Almost everyone on Mad Men is likable-ish. Each character has some serious depth and I really have strong feelings about the entire cast. Now, Pete Campbell is my third favorite male character on the show – falling just behind Don Draper and Roger Sterling.
He is such a psychopath on the show, it’s fantastic. I cringe, mostly, when he is on-screen, and I secretly kind of hope that he and Peggy Olsen will end up together, because they are both just a wee bit on the twisted side.
I often assume, as we’ve seen before…like how Jon Hamm always says that he’s nothing like Don Draper and January Jones always claims that she is the antithesis of Betty Draper…that
Vincent Kartheiser is nothing like Pete Campbell.
Only this morning I read an interview that Vincent did here (go on, read it…it’s fabulous) and now I know he’s even crazier than Pete. I mean, dude uses his neighbors’ bathrooms because he doesn’t even OWN A TOILET. I am thinking that he probably doesn’t smell all that delicious, which makes me sad, because I enjoy a good-smelling man.
He says… “Like, I don’t have a toilet at the moment. My house is just a wooden box. I mean I am planning to get a toilet at some point. But for now I have to go to the neighbours. I threw it all out. It started a couple of years ago. It was in response to going to these Golden Globe type events and they just give you stuff. You don’t want it. You don’t use it. And then Mad Men started to become a success on a popular level and people started sending me stuff, just boxes of sh-t. Gifts for every holiday, clothes. One day, I looked around and thought ‘I don’t want this stuff, I didn’t ask for it’. So I started giving it to friends or charity stores, or if it is still in its box I might sell it for a hundred bucks. I liked it so I didn’t stop.”
He also has no mirrors in his house. “I was wondering, should I have a screen in my home? It seems like the next step. I haven’t had a mirror for six or seven years, though I admit that causes a lot of problems when I have to tie a bow tie. Or if I have to, you know, comb my hair for something. I’m forever looking in the mirrors of parked cars. I probably should be worried. Sometimes, I look around my house and think: is this normal, Vinny? I mean it’s a bit more than just a remodel…”
NO VINNY. It’s most definitely not normal.
Although now I *might* like him even more.
I am VERY happy to hear that he smells good. 😉
I have danced with him and hugged him. He smelled perfectly fine.