Oh, Patricia Heaton. oh. no. no. no. no. no.
Before this, people only really ever talked about your plastic surgery. which, ps, I’m totally jealous of.
but this? SERIOUSLY?
wait…SERIOUSLY? calling in a lifeline to answer the simplest of math problems…because your husband is European? REALLY?
LOL, Jen. I was all like, “well of course it’s $6.50!” And then I realized it’s really $7.50 only after figuring out what 30 quarters adds up to.
But I agree with Ali – it’s not Patricia’s math skills that are scorn-worthy here, but the fact that she called on her husband because he’s European. There are no nickels in Europe, dude! (Then again, what do they call those 0.05 euro coins, anyway?)
OK. I’m pathetic. I’m with PH here. I had to write it down! If i were nervous there would have been no way. Sad, really.
HA HA HA. I really can’t stand this woman (never liked her character on that show and have read about her ultra-conservative politics). This week I’ve read that her former personal assistant is suing her and now this!!! Karma, baby.
wow. speechless.