The Boy (now 11 months old) is almost classified as a toddler, I assume. I can hardly believe that 12 months/walking classifies him as a toddler but, according to his pediatrician, it does.
At this stage in his life, his curiosity is really peaking. He points at objects and says, “What’s That?”…well, he actually says, “Wh Dat?”. I’m interpreting. He loves to roll around on my yoga mat when I’m trying to do some stretching and throw and kick his $2 green plastic ball. But, most of all, he loves to climb the stairs to his room and choose books to be read to him.
The Boy is very methodical about the way he chooses his books- standing at his bookshelf, he goes shelf by shelf, dumping books he does not want read on the floor and handing me the books he does want read. Without fail, he has three absolute favourite books- and they happen to be three of my favourite toddler books:
by: Jeremy Tankard
So those are our essential Toddler books. What are some of yours?
Grump Bear is one of our favs too
Other good suggestions
Where is the green sheep by Mem Fox
Anything by Sandra Boynton
and the board book versions of Dr Seuss’ stuff — don’t trust the little hellions with anything paper ; )
Lucas also likes Brown Bear. You may also want to check out Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton. It is now our go to book whenever Lucas is being a bit whiney.
anything by mo willems is hysterical. wait until you see the elephant and piggie books! i bought one for my childless in-laws cuz they couldn’t put it down.
my 4 1/2 year old had brown bear memorized and it’s so great to hear her read it out loud. i love her voice!
Ooooh, just love this topic. Classics never fail, but some other favs were “Tumble Bumble” by Felicia Bond. A lovely illustrator. My oldest knew the book by heart well before two and I still read it years later. “Monkeys in My kitchen” by Sheree Fitch. Such a great Canadian poet who can make kids laugh and laugh. Gotta read that fast and with lots of emotion…though maybe too long for littlest ones. “Gotta Go” by Sam Swope. About caterpillar and butterfly migration. Very cute. “Bear Snores On” and all the Bear ones from that collection. “Time for Bed”…nice repetition and nice illustrations.
“Big Red Barn” version illustrated by Bond. “Peepo”.. by Alhberg… Kids start repeating “peepo” very early on. Happy reading!
OOoh I need to check out that pigeon book. My boy chooses his books just as yours does. And we could read for hours on end – he’s always been like that. His current fave is Go Dog Go – combining dogs and cars…what could be better. He’s also down with Fix It Duck that we got at the library – ducks, cars AND trucks…are you seeing the theme?? I love going to the library and letting him pick – then we can return them and I don’t get bored with the repitition!