Hi Gorgeouses!
So how ’bout that HEAT! Whew! Nothing like some good gossip to cool us down…. On tap today: PETA PROTESTS against Paris and Britney; Victoria Beckham is a "Skinny Bitch"; Adrian Grenier JUST SAYS NO; Brad begs Ange to go to rehab; and, MORE!
check it!!!
This article was written and researched by my gossip assistant Minden.
Purrrrrr…. I love writing. My mommy lets me cover the celebrity pet articles. So here I go, REEOOOW.
PETA is FURIOUS with Britney and Paris, and they held a PUUUUURRROTEST today at noon — at Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood. RAROWW! They’re mad because Britney and Paris bought purebred dogs from the pet store, instead of going to animal shelters and rescuing the suffering animals there. As PETA director, Daphna Nachminovich puts it, “Forget jail or rehab; these selfish stars should do a stint in an
animal shelter, where they would witness the plight of dogs who end up
there after being bought on an impulse."
Gorgeouses, my mommy bought me for $50 from the vet. I was there for 3 months, and nobody wanted me. When I finally saw HER after all that time, I thought she was so pretty and smart and funny and skinny with great hair, and that she writes the best celebrity gossip, so I gave her so many kisses, and she couldn’t resist me — even though she already had 3 other cats…. I loved my mommy at first sight. I’m happy my mommy saved me from the vet. He didn’t care about me, and I was living in a weeny cage with my litter box…. My mommy doesn’t go to that vet anymore.
So, PETA held a puurrrrrotest. On Sunset Boulevard at Laurel, the protesters wore Britney and Paris masks and held signs saying: "Shelter Dogs Are Dying and I Don’t Care."
Here’s the rest of the press release. Bottom line?: IF YOU WANT A PET, GO TO THE SHELTERS. For, once again, Paris and Britney are HORRIBLY TERRIBLE role models. REEOW PURR LOVE…. Check it (as my mommy says):
For every dog or cat purchased from a breeder or a pet store, another
dog or cat on death row at an animal shelter must be killed. PETA’s
billboard marks the launch of its Animal Birth Control campaign and is
in response to the shelving of the California Healthy Pets Act (AB
1634) following a smear campaign by the breeder lobby. More than
400,000 homeless animals are put to death in California’s shelters
every year. By mandating sterilization for all cats and dogs in the
state, AB 1634 would have made a major impact in reducing those
numbers. Every time Spears and Hilton buy yet another dog, they are displaying their ignorance
of — or indifference to — the fact that millions of animals are killed
every year in the nation’s shelters for lack of good homes.
I’m a very lucky kitty, I know…. I love my mommy.
Victoria Beckham is reading it…. Why not you? The book was written by a former Ford Models agent and a former Ford model, and it basically advocates the vegan lifestyle: no meat, no dairy; emphasis on fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, etc.. Sound like fun? Check it! (Click on the book cover image above for deets!) Anyway, here’s the now famous pic of Victoria Beckham purchasing the book — a pic that’s drawing HORDES to the now bestselling book:
You’d think Vic could have WRITTEN the book on skinny bitches…. Hee! But, NO! She’s a’reading it!
Last night, Paris hit on Entourage hottie Adrian Grenier at LA’s most happenin’ clup Opera (I mean, who WOULDN’T hit on him — LOOK AT HIM…click the pic to enlarge…it’s well worth it!). Apparently, Paris "was all over him — flirting like crazy," a witness says. And, then, when she finally, and very confidently, asked him for his number, Adrian responded, "I have a girlfriend." Ouch. But, this didn’t deter Paris! "I don’t care!" she told him, and she kept on going after that number. Classy. Of course, hot Adrian refused. And, she eventually let him be. Niice. He’s WAY too good and handsome and responsible, etc., etc., for Paris.
According to Star Magazine‘s sources, Brad’s "worried sick" about Angelina, as she withers away to nothing. He wants her to get help in order to save herself — and to save their relationship, since sources say they’ve been fighting because of her condition. Brad thinks an eating disorder rehab centre will help her. According to Ange, she hasn’t been able to "get her nutrition back on track" since her mother got sick. And, with her history of eating disorders, it’s no surprise that she’s dealing with the loss of her mother, and seeking a sense of control in her life, by going back to the old self-destructive crutch. Apparently, she weighs as little as 98 pounds right now. Yikes. Hopefully, she’ll listen to Brad and get some help.
It’s been awhile since we’ve had some Jen and Vi pics! I don’t know about you, but pics like these make me smile — especially in the midst of nightmares like Brit and her babes, Nicole Ritchie preggers, etc.. Enjoy!
Like, how sweet are they? The market, horsies, pink crocs EXACTLY like what my friend Lolo got the monkey for her b-day! LOVE!
Photos, with thanks, c/o Flynet.
I am NOT going to talk about how DEVASTATED I am by tonight’s eviction.
Here’s me not talking about it:
I’m telling you, JI MIN is involved in this whole BORING stolen money fiasco. HE has the money, fashizzle (sorry — that’s my word for "for sure," and I can’t help myself). You heard it HERE first! Anyone wanna bet on this?
Gorgeouses! I’m SCHVITZING right now! I mean, I’m so beyond hot I’m might just pass out. Hot flashes, must be. Hormones. Always in the evening…. Maybe I’ll write about that in my next Pregnancy Blog post. Note to self…. Or, maybe I’ll just slap an icepack on my head and shut it!
Want more Cheaty? Check it — at The Cheaty Monkey!
Talk to me in the comments! I LOVE ALL OF THE COMMENTS. They make my day. Except for those meanie ones that tell me I’m a gossiping menace to society and that I should go get a life. Hee.
xo Haley-O
I totally agree with you about your prediction for Young and the Restless!!!
LAV — I agree about the pet situation. I think PETA tends to take things too far. I’m a member and I don’t even PAY to be a member — I just gave them one donation once! But, I DO thank them for representing animals. The animals need such cut-throat representation, they really do.
LAURA — Except for the mohawk, NICK LOOKED HAWTIE HAWT HAWT!!! And, I’m SO glad the enlarged pic of Adrian made your day — it sure made mine! That pic HAD to be enlarged! 😉
BLONDIE — HA! You’re so freaking right! They say wishes do come true if you wish hard enough!
Do you think Jennifer Aniston wished long ago that Angelina would just “disappear” and now is like, “Oh my gosh, it’s working!”
THANK YOU for prompting me to enlarge the picture of Adrian. It seriously made my day.
I can’t write about Big Brother either…except for one little thing…is it just me, or was Nick hotter on Thursday’s show?
hi love the jen and vi pics.hope ange gets some help shes starting to look like nicole ritchie.wow that adrian guys cute!and i didn’t know i could enlarge your pics haley.hahahasorry i think the problem with pets isn’t where you buy them but not having them fixed and not caring for them properly.miaooow minden ya know i love you.
AMANDA — I also heard that a lot of pet-store dogs are really poorly treated, live in their poop, etc….
ALI — I don’t know what happened!! I just know, from Scifi, that I’m going to like it — which means it’s someone from Evil’s camp!
MARIA — All I’m guessing is that Evil’s safe for the week…. I LAUGHED when Evil poured tea on Jen! Hee! Nick didn’t have to gang up on her, too, though…that was a bit scary.
What happened?! What happened?! I NEED to know. So sad to see Nick go!!! How totally humiliating to be Jen right now. I even kind of felt sorry for her when Nick got in on the “hate Jen” moment. They really should have let Kail go!!!
wait…what happened?
Okay – I just have to say that just because someone buys a pure bred animal doesn’t mean they are killing off other animals in the shelters. If we all rescued our animals from the shelters and no-one bought the pure breeds, then we’d be putting them to sleep instead. That being said, all 5 of my domestic animals are adopted because I just love rescuing them! (I also have a pig…just to throw that in there).
Anyway, Victoria Beckam and most of the rest of Hollywood need to just eat a few donuts and get over it.
SCI — That is a HUGE — I mean, YUGE!!! — consolation! THANK YOU for totally completely making my day (isn’t that sad…?)! I can’t wait for Sunday now!!!
you’ll be happy with what happened after BB went off the air last night, if that’s any consolation…