As a work-at-home mom of a toddler and pre-schooler, I do not need a lot of the bells and whistles of the new Microsoft.
Seen the promos for OneNote 2010, I felt for this purpose of this review as well as my curiousity got the better of me.
I decided to put together a montage piece about our summer. I wrote on Word a piece. I sent it to One Note.
I opened the program and started a file. It prompted me if I wanted to add pictures- yes I did.
After working on it for an hour, I was not able to email it through my Shaw email. So I have a pretty file that I can try to print off for my girls scrapbooks.
However, I do see the potential for school kids. It will be a great way to piece together a school project.
So it is a miss for me but can be a hit for you. Now, I need to call Shaw.