Eva is growing in leaps and bounds and just last week decided that she now knows how to dress herself.
You know what that means right??
That means one less thing for me to worry about in the mornings.
Mornings that are generally full of chaos, unruly kids and me scrambling to get lunches finished up all the while challenging myself not to yell at any or all of them.
Trying not to yell at them to come for breakfast, to brush their teeth, to pack their bags.
And to get dressed.
I haven’t even had to ask Eva. As long as her clothes are laid out for her, she gets them on without me saying a word.
My girl – yes the one who is normally giving me the stinkeye anytime I ask her to do anything
well…this girl has decided to cut me break and dress herself everyday now. I know it could be short lived – until the novelty of the fact she can actually do it herself has worn off. But for now I’ll take it.

It’s amazing, I love that
Isn’t that an amazing moment?? It’s like a light at the end of the tunnel: someday they will be independent and we will be free (well not totally free, because we’ll still worry sick about them even when they’re living away etc!). Eva is a star!
I was just going to say exactly what Jen said. My younger daughter wore a peach pink two peace silk outfit (from our dress up box) that was a woman’s size 8 when she was 4 – every day. honestly it was the ugliest thing I have ever seen. She looked like an orphan
Wait until she wants to pick out her own clothes and her “personal style” is on display to the world! You will never bite your tongue so hard 😉
Great stink-eye. Where’d she learn that?
Josh just recently started waking up in the mornings and picking out his clothing and getting dressed on his own and coming downstairs fully ready. it’s awesome…SO I totally know how you feel!!! Go Eva!
Oh, what an adorable girl… and you’re right – when they can dress themselves? Well, it’s really just one less thing for mum to do. Awesome!!
that stink eye picture is CLASSIC!!! Go Eva – Will is trying to do his shoes these days…it’s painful.