Okay, okay, okay, I may be the only person on earth still watching this show. Actually, I know of at least one other person. But, here’s the thing. Many, many, many seasons into this show and many, many failed relationships later, this show has taken an interesting twist, don’t you think? It has become so heavily produced to the point where the producers are actually MAKING drama for ratings. Remember that whole Jason/Melissa/Molly fiasco? EXACTLY.
So, it seems this time around…while attempting to find love for one of last season’s fan favorites, Jake the pilot, there’s a little bit of produced drama as well. There is major production this season.**
The good:
Ali. She’s an early favorite for me.
Tenley. I like her! I’m glad she got the first impression rose
The bad:
Vienna. Ditsy much?
Ashely. Flight attendant costume much?
Michelle. oh my god. Girl needs to chill the heck out. Seriously. There is no question that they asked Jake to keep her. I mean, Even Ed and Jillian were all, “hello, psycho!”
Channy. oh my god. Girl needs to stop with the “you can land your plane on my landing strip” jokes. in any language.
I don’t want to give too much away yet, but apparently, someone leaves the show – is escorted off the show – because there is some speculation that she has been having a “relationship” with one of the show’s producers. Only, there was no relationship at all. Basically, the show wanted her off for different reasons, so they produced themselves up a little scandal. CLASSY, yes?
Ali you’re not alone. After our PTA meeting tonight my friends raced home to watch the Bachelor. I don’t watch it myself, but must confess to having watched it in the past. In my and your defense while we may understand that that the show is complete fantasy, we still get drawn into this unbelievable world where two people may actually fall in love.
Why, Ali?? Jersey Shore I sorta get but this?!