This is a conversation my daughter is currently having while playing with her friend:
Friend: OK, I’m going to be 16. My name is Lily and I’m older and taller.
Daughter: No. I’ll be older but also smarter. You can be taller. My name’s Ella.
Friend: No! I want to be smarter! You can be smaller and older then.
Daughter: No!! I said I was smarter! You can’t be! You can be smaller and older or taller and younger. But I AM smarter.
Friend: How about we’re both smart. Then you can be smaller but older?
Daughter: No way! I’m smarter. You just be whatever else but I’m smarter.
Friend: So I get to be taller AND older as long as you are smarter?
Daughter: Yah.
Friend: OK!
That’s my girl. Oh, and by the way, my "little" girl just lost her first tooth. OK, OK. Yes, I pulled it out but still, it IS a milestone.
What a cute little smartypants you’re raising there!
that’s awesome – your girl has her priorities straight! way to go, Jen – she’s obviously got some great female role models!