Steven Tyler sung the US National Anthem at a football game today. It’s all over the news with how awful it was. Ummm hello. Let’s repeat the sentence. Steven Tyler sang the national anthem – what the hell did they expect? He’s not Jennifer Hudson for godsakes.
Have a listen…
What’s wrong with it? He sounds like Steven Tyler!
What about Roseanne??
Now that’s a butcher
When it’s right…it’s soooo right. I love the U.S. National Anthem – and this is my favourite…sorry Whitney – you were awesome but this was J Hud’s first public appearance after her mother was murdered. And she was incredible!!!
What’s a rampart?? Anyone? Anyone? Buehler??
How about this kid? Poor kid…singing her lungs out and then the mic dies. The crowd picked it up…a little heart warming (except for the beyotch who started laughing!)
Let’s not think that Canadians can’t butcher their own anthems….oh man….really??
So. Any that I’m missing?? Who is singing it at this year’s Super Bowl. If Madonna is the half time show – one can only imagine???
What? I don’t get it. It’s Steven Tyler. Actually, he was better than I thought he would be. He is a rocker. What did they think they were going to get??
What was wrong with that? Seriously. Like Julie said, it’s Steven Tyler, not Pavarotti. He knew the words, he sang them all and he didn’t turn it into a different song. I kinda liked it.
Omg I have to get Jen Hud over for dinner real soon. She is an angel.
Apparently I can stop colouring my hair, let it grow stragglepuss and embrace how tone deaf I am and maybe sing next year at a game.
Roxanne is just embarrassing.
Love your posts- you keep me current!
that’s what driving me crazy! if they wanted pavoratti, then they should have gotten him. he sounded like steven tyler. he also sang it…he didn’t turn it into a 15 minute vocal exercise like the ‘divas’ do. to me, _that_ is disrespectful. it’s not your song to improvise to…it’s the _nation’s_ song.
he wins!