Hi All!
I’m still out here in Quebec City. We spent the entire day walking the cobble-stone roads, touring the Musée des Beaux Artes (which used to be prison — so cool), walking along the St. Lawrence River. It was a little too windy out for the monkey’s liking, but we managed. Josh-O and I just have aching backs now from carrying all 22+ pounds of her (the stroller got too windy)….But, otherwise, we’re feeling happy, rested and cultured. The monkey loved the art gallery. I’m not sure if the other visitors loved us so much though: the monkey was very vocal. This was her: "AH ah AH ah AH ah AH ah…" — over and over….I don’t know how she managed to breathe doing that! Anyway, tomorrow, we return to Montreal for the Jewish High Holidays; Josh-O’s family is there. And, then, finally, we go back home on Sunday to Toronto…home to my kitty cats. LOVE and MISS….
Okay, okay, enough about me. Gossip time. Check it!
The most blog-worthy part of tonight’s episode of Survivor occurred at the very end, when Billy claimed an undying love for Candice. Wha?
Photos c/o Survivor‘s official website.
The only exchange we’ve ever heard between them was at tonight’s immunity challenge when they exchanged "I love you"’s — surely she didn’t mean it the way he thought she did….And, then he uttered a knowing "I’m next." At tribal council, he claimed it was "love at first sight," that, if he goes home tonight, it’s all okay because he found true love….Yikes! And, hilarious! And, dodododododododo… weirdo!
My very favourite show…and it wasn’t on here in Quebec City. Josh-O and I had made sure we got back to the hotel in time for me (and, totally, him, too) to catch the premier of ANTM. But, alas, it wasn’t on! Luckily (well, sort of) we caught the last half of it at 11pm. Only, the sound was all messed up. I couldn’t hear a damn thing! What a tease! I watched it anyway, of course. And, I’ll watch it again, with sound — the encore presentation’s on this Sunday. Did you hear that one of the photos was stirring up controversy?:
Photo c/o America’s Next To Model‘s official site.
Eating disorder organizations and specialists are unhappy with this photo depicting the stereotypical anorexic model. They argue that it promotes and minimizes a very serious illness that takes many young lives. I don’t know. I suffered from eating disorders growing up. This photo doesn’t offend me. If it gives eating-disorder organizations a platform from which to speak publicly (and on Entertainment Tonight, as one spokesperson did this evening) about anorexia, fine. Great. I think the photo’s pretty cool, though. I also think the treatment of the subject is respectful. The model captured the sadness and anxiety of anorexia really well, huh?
Never mind that shmatah on her head. What’s the deal with Rachel Bilson? I do not think she’s hot. I mean, she’s attractive. But, I don’t think she’s anything to write gossip about. You?
Anyway, she wore this same shmatah at the Teen Vogue awards:
Photos c/o Splash News Online.
GORJ. Simply gorj! Looks just like his daddy, doe’n’t he? And, I still maintain that Gwenny’s the only celeb who gets away with the red lipstick these days. Ahem, hint hint, Christina?:
Here’s Christina showing up solo and pissed to Justin Timberlake’s record-release bash.
Above photos c/o Splash News Online.
Photos c/o Splash News Online.
This girl is officially no longer hot. What happened?? She posed for this pic, by the way, at the debut of "Employee of the Month," her new film. Also, also, did you hear? Apparently, Papa Joe is starting a line of Hooters-type restaurants in honour of his precious Daisy Duke….Someone needs a stern talking to! One minister, at least, is totally down on him and the girls: "Their breasts will sag and their faces will wither and they will be left with nothing but a hollow shell." Check it here.
Photos c/o Splash News Online.
I now have a renewed respect for my old maternity clothes….Yikes! And, oh yes, that’s Mandy MOORE!
Okay, the monkey’s seriously overtired and will not sleep in the hotel crib. She needs her mamma NOW! I’ve actually been typing most of this post one-handed — Miss Monkey’s in the other…. So, although there’s soooo much gossip to report, I better go. Purty please take a wee sec to say hi in the comments! If you’re feeling a little more commenty, feel free to address the following questions, or whatever you like! What do you think about Survivor? Did the Hispanic team make a mistake throwing the challenge to boot one of their own? What do you think of the ANTM photo? What’s the deal with Rachel Bilson? Oh, and I’ve yet to confirm, but did you hear Britney’s going for a tummy tuck?? Ugh…And, rumour (I couldn’t resist): Sarah Jessica Parker may be expecting baby #2! Here she is, covering up the evidence!:
Photos c/o Splash News Online.
Hey, and do check out pics of me glammed up, my 13-pound lighter figure (17 more lbs of baby- and nursing-weight to go!), and beautiful Quebec City…and crepes…. Where, you ask? Over here, at The Cheaty Monkey!
I was first introduced to Rachel Bilson on Zach Braff’s Last Kiss video blog on itunes. I don’t really get it. It’s not like she’s bad looking, she just sort of exists. I don’t take a second look at her. She’s no Natalie. (If I were casting my own film, I’d cast her as my girlfriend too- what good Jewsish boy wouldn’t).
Gwen can get away with the rouge lipschtick because she’s always worn it. It’s her thing…remember when she was hardcore, sans hirojuku girls (which I find a bit creepy and affected.
I am america’s top model…and contrary to popular belief am not anorexic…who knew.
Rachel is totally cute. I don’t think you can watch the OC and not like her.
Gossip worthy? you may have a point.
SJP pregnant? I heard it here first!
Hi everyone! Thanks for the great comments!
Jennie? Sorry, a “schmatah” is a yiddish word for rag…. 😉
Jeff’s face, was CLASSIC–you’re right about that, Catherine!
That whole Survivor Billy-loooove thing, that cracked my shit up. Just for the look on Jeff Probst’s face…
I love Rachel – probably because she is SO not “Hollywood”. Red lipstick I like on Gwen & Christina, but that’s it. Kingston is CUTE!! Never EVER been a Jessica fan, & her dad is OHSO creepy. ewwww. SJP? I hope so…they just seem to be the “fam” type!
I think Rache is cute. What is a schmatah? Just a hat or some special kind of hat? I know a couple of Yiddish words, like Lukshen, but not enough to follow.
I can’t get into ANTM very well, and I couldn’t watch Survivor b/c two other things were already recording! Gah!
Glad you had a great time, you looked absolutely gorgeous!
a) That Survivor thing? Totally creepy.
b) The picture? Kinda hot.
i think Rachel Bilson is beautiful.
i think Billy on Survivor is bat-shit crazy.
i think red lipstick on anyone is TERRIBLE.
i think Gwen Stefani is narsty.
i think mandy moore is awesome.
i think SJP is NOT pregnant.
that’s it. i think
I think the photo was over the top. But, they were trying to do that. And, they were bringing out stereotypes. I think they like to pick on the anorexia one, but in all honesty the drug addicted girl was just as bad and they kept saying “think Gia” which was bad! And, why not pick on the bulimic one.
I am so not into Survivor. Not at all. I used to love it. Too contrived now.
OH and SJP – hmmmm … that would be cool. But, how old is she?
Excerpt from a post over at my blog:
I think Aitu made a mistake in throwing the challenge if only because this is a game of numbers, and who knows when the merge will be. Considering the possibility that they may make two tribes of nine next week by amalgamating a five person team with a four person one, they are immediately at a disadvantage. And as far as true love at first sight goes, well, I almost fell off the couch when that came up.
Drive safe.
I love ANTM and didn’t find the photo offensive…disturbing, yes.
I totally get the Rachel Bilson thing. She is gorgeous! Not Hollywood overdone but naturally beautiful…JMHO.
Survivor…argh. A wee bit irritating. I am trying to love it but everything seems over the top and contrived. Too much strange controversy – declarations of love, throwing challenges, finding the Idol already…I don’t know, feels fake to me.
I always thought Jessica was pin-up pretty but in that pic she just looks blah.
I love ANTM
I saw the entire 2 hours, if you lived close Id let you borrow my tape I recorded it on lol.
We didnt get home til 9PM so I had a tape recording it to catch the 1st hour.
Any how.
I think that photo is just fine.
The girl did a wonderful job with the assignment.
Did you see the 1st photo shoot?
They had to get completely nude!
Most of the photos were very tasteful though. Not play-boy-ish by any means.
The girl in that particular photo you showed is one of my fav. because shes not the “typical beauty”
Shes actually kind of nerdy looking without all the make up and such.
I like that!
She is also an identical twin.
Her sis did the balimia shot.