Will is in the midst of his first obsession – his first love that isn’t me or his aunt…or his blankie. And it’s intense.
I have obsessions. In high school it was Boris Becker. I moved on to Eddie Vedder in my early 20s. As I grew up – I’d add sushi, Advil, dark beer and any singer songwriter type who looks like he hasn’t bathed or eaten in a few months to that list.
For Will, for my boy…it’s The Wiggles. It started a few weeks ago innocently enough. He was at my sisters place and my nephew Scotty was watching ‘Here Comes The Big Red Car’ and that was it. (so really – I’d say that Scotty is the dealer in the Wiggles crack here). Since then, he begs to go in ‘mommy’s car’ so we can listen to Red, Red Car. He carries the cd all over the house, to the park and to the store. He sleeps with Wags the Dog and every morning when he wakes up, he presses the W on his chest and Wags (and Mommy) must do the dance around the room.
It’s now reaching the epic state. I need to send my kid to the Betty Ford Centre to break the addiction. All this week – maaaajor tantrums every morning when we pull up to school. He doesn’t want the music to stop. Je-sus – just like his mother used to be when the lights would come up at the bar at 3am.
This morning the convo went like this:
Mommy – What do you want for breakfast this morning?
Will – Red, Red, Car.
Mommy – But you can’t eat the Red, Red Car.
Will – Yes, Yup. Eat Red, Red, Car – Yup. Yup (full head nod with eyes brimming with tears for effect)
Mommy – Sorry dude, you listen to it but you can’t eat it.
Will – **down on the ground – stomping feet – wailing** Noooooooooo
(here – listen to this and TRY to get it out of your head…sorry, join me in my misery!)
Someone tell me how to reason with a two-year old. (stop laughing now).
What obsessions did your kids have and when, oh WHEN can I expect him to move on to something else – like, I don’t know – meditation???
My two year old daughter has developed an obsession with Dora the Explorer, what’s worse is that she sounds like she has a stutter because the theme song goes “Ddddddora” and that’s how she says it “I want Ddddddora”. Now that treehouse has an on demmand channel she thinks anytime the television is on Dora should be on. Also has anyone else noticed that Dora yells a lot? well she does and now my daughter yells EVERYTHING!! I’ll say Brooke would you like some cheese and she’ll scream “CHEEEEESSSSEEE”!
Cuyler’s first was Wiggles.
It went on for just over 2 years. It got so bad that he labelled anything red Murray, anything blue was Anthony, anything yellow was Greg and anything purple was Jeff. I thought I’d go mad.
Then he moved onto Thomas the Tank Engine. For about 2 years.
And now we are in the midst of Toy Story. And it goes beyond obsessive. It is consuming. It’s all he talks about, he scripts the movie, reenacts it…
It’s exhausting trying to pull him out of it. And we are rarely successful. And I know that when he goes off this, it will be replaced with an equally consuming obsession.
thankfully, we skipped over the Wiggles…none of the three kids were ever into them.
They had other ridiculous, equally-annoying obsessions, though…
We have a number of obsessions in toddler land over here…. the colour purple- according Gracie my eyeballs are purple. I even made purple ice cubes to lure my child back into the bath after a trauma in there with the shower hose- she is also obsessed with ice cubes. There has also been a fairly consistent obsession with police cars, firetrucks, and ambulances ( all of which, according to Grace are purple). We are also hard core into the world of Maisy ( some retro mouse chick from 10 years ago with friends who are a crocodile, chipmunk, duck, and elephant). If I know my girl, these obsessions are not going anywhere anytime soon. x0x0x0
We’re all dancing around the house listening to it now…AND laughing at you! Poor you, it is going to be a tough addiction for the little guy to recover from 😉
My daughter is the queen of addictions such as these. It started years ago with Dora, then The Incredibles. There have been many others but right now it is Harry Potter. She has an “HP Wand” and goes around the house in an imagination-induced state casting spells on everyone. Cute for a while but nearly a month in and I am Expelliarmused out!
you can reason with terrorists, you cannot reason with a two year old! as far as obsessions go, i was totally cool with the wiggles. not bad to look at, not bad to hear (although the girls like all their songs) a really fun concert.
in the other corner is dora. she is the gilbert gottfried of children. SHUTUP ALREADY!!! the map is annoying, dora is annoying the constant condescending is annoying….so glad we’re out of that stage!
I like that idea Lynda…I’ll give it a shot…and oh yeah…the stickers are big over here as well…WIGGLES STICKERS!
LOL! Mine will be three next month. Obsessions like that last for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Eeek!
We don’t watch a lot of Wiggles, so I haven’t seen that video. If my son sees it, I’m sure it’ll become one of his favorites.
Mine gets obsessed with movies and crafts. Sometimes the first thing he wants to do when he wakes up in the morning is Play Doh or stickers. 🙂
For us, it helps to build on his obsessions. So if he’s in love with the song, maybe try to make the week about transportation and introduce him to some other car/truck/boat/plane songs. It’s pretty easy to find age-appropriate crafts, activities and videos on the internet to go along with most any theme.