Cover Synopses
In the not-too-distant future, genetic engineering has turned every newborn into a ticking time bomb: Males die at age 25 and females die at age 20. While scientists seek a miracle antidote, young girls are routinely kidnapped and sold as polygamous brides to bear more children. When sixteen year old Rhine is taken, she enters a world of wealth and privilege that both entices and terrifies her. She has everything she ever wanted–except freedom.
Soon it becomes clear that not everyone at her new husband’s home is how they appear. With the help of Gabriel, a servant Rhine is growing dangerously attracted to, Rhine attempts to escape . . . before her time runs out.
Name: Wither
Author: Lauren DeStefano
Ages: 14 and up
Gender: Girls
Rating: *****
Ok, I don’t know about you but I am completely fed up with vampires and werewolves finding a place in nearly every new teen fantasy book getting published these days, so I went hunting in the teen section in Chapters and I found this book. It was so different and so interesting to me that I found myself reading it every possible second and pining over it when i wasn’t reading it.
I am a sci-fi fan, which may explain why I was so attracted to it in the first place. but this really was one of those sci-fi books written for people who don’t like sci-fi. It was creepy but somehow at the same time the author managed to make it elegant, the oxymoron was brilliant and it was exactly the kind of book I’ve been craving.
The main character Rhine was so easy to fall in love with and somehow even though we had hardly anything in common I found myself relating to her character, her easy beauty and her kindness she wishes sometimes she didn’t have so much of. Her emotions were written so freely and so naturally that what she felt in the story I began feeling in real life. Lauren DeStefano really did a fantastic job, I recommend this book to EVERYONE it has really been a long time since I’ve loved a book this much.
Till Next Time
~Novel Girl
I’ve actually never read that one! Ill have to give it a look soon.
You make me want to be a Sci Fi Fan!! Looking forward to reading it. I loved how the character made you reflect on yourself.
Oooh. This looks good. Kind of like Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”.