So, my Oscar predictions were not too bad. I think my crystal ball will live to see another day!
I was soooo happy that Tilda Swinton won for Best Supporting Actress. She was fab in the movie, & I just loved her expression of total shock when she won. Her dress left something to be desired…but I have to hand it to her, she is unique.
Javier Bardem. Man, that guy is just yummy. And the accent. Swoon. Lucky Penelope Cruz. Love that he brought his Mom to the Oscars!
I was a bit surprised that Marion Cotillard won for Best Actress, I figured the whole "the movie is in french" thing had the cards stacked against her. But I loved her speech. My hubby thought she went a little far, my response was "she’s French." Which of course we both shrugged & moved on.
Soooo would have loved Clooney to win…he looked just dashing. Old Hollywood dashing. Daniel Day Lewis is always so gracious in his acceptance of awards, so that was a fine consolation prize. Speaking of prizes, did Daniel’s wife decide she needed to wrap herself up like a present including a giant Christmas bow right smack between her boobs?!? Yikes!
Very happy for the Coen Bros that they finally won an Oscar. Did anyone else realize that Joel (taller, curly-haired one) is married to Frances McDormand of Fargo (& sooo many others) fame?!? I just loved the shots of her cheering her hubby on from the audience. Now there’s a "Hollywood marriage" that we should celebrate. 24 years these 2 have been married.
I actually enjoyed Jon Stewart as the host. It is pretty much a bum-deal hosting anyway, & you have to do something so spectacular to even get decent reviews. So I would say he did a great job (personally, I like his type of humour) & really kept the show trudging along. And oh did it trudge in spots! I think he had two great lines during his opening monologue:
"Diablo Cody used to be an exotic dancer, & now she’s an Oscar-nominated screenwriter. I hope you’re enjoying the paycut."
"Normally when you see a black man or a woman president, an asteroid is about to hit the statue of Liberty."
I laughed so hard at both of these. If you want to check out the whole monologue here it is…
I have to say that the best moment for me was when Jon Stewart called Best Original Song winner, Marketa Irglova, back on stage after the commercial break so that she could say her thank-you’s. The orchestra so rudely cut her off after her partner, Glen Harsard, spoke (rather briefly & eloquently if you ask me). Kudos to Jon for doing such an honourable thing as to give this woman her moment to shine. She certainly earned it.
My most awkward moment had to be the mugging that Jen Garner received during the pre-ceremony red carpet gauntlet. Well, if you haven’t seen it check it out…
Poor girl. My one question is, what in the name of Pete is Gary Busey doing at the Oscars?!?!?!?" Is he a legend or something? Does he have a movie out? How crazy is that?!? Seacrest did his best at trying to keep the damage of the scene to a minimum, but honestly when Ryan Seacrest is speechless that is saying something! I won’t give Seacrest too much kudos though, because not even 10 min before this he actually asked Jessica Alba if she planned on breastfeeding!!! Yikes!!!
Make sure you go check out Ali’s take on the Oscars, especially the fashions (she is soooooo much better at that stuff than I am) over at the Juice. And frankly while you’re at it check out THE funniest video ever by Jimmy Kimmel. Thanks to Ali for bringing that to us. I have honestly watched it about 5 times & it just keeps getting funnier.
So let me know what you thought of the Oscars in the comments section below. What did you love? What did you hate? Big disappointments? Fav Moment?
Was dissappointed that Juno, Ellen Page, and Julie Christie didn’t fare too well but I thought Jon Stewart was really great!