I checked my phone the other day when it made that “ding” noise. You know, every time you get a text message?
My BFF Winnie was ready for a drink after decorating the seven trees in her home. Did she just say SEVEN????
She totally cracks me up!! Her family celebrates Christmukkah so there’s always at least one gorgeous, and very stylish, blue and white tree along side the Menorah…which I’m guessing she probably has several of as well.
I couldn’t wait to get my tree and decorations up only hubby said not till Movember is done. We love Christmas (minus that creepy Elf on the Shelf – which I bought last year just because everyone else did and now I regret cause that little dude was like a nagging reminder to get my Christmas cards out on time). Anyway, right, we love Christmas!
I love hauling out the decorations and lighting up the apple cinnamon scented candles. Hubby loves all the red and our collection of wooden miniature tree ornaments mixed with the hand-made ones the kids have done over the years. Not sure how long that gingerbread man will last and I’m surprised that my brother-in-law’s dog hasn’t inhaled it over the past few years.
But I’m also itching to update the “holiday look” in our home. I’ve been sifting through some ideas and love these….
Who said Christmas has to be red and green? This blue and silver is a fresh look that can brighten up any home! Love the swirls in the blue and white carpet too!
And below, I love this dramatic and the opulence of black and white set of two trees that makes a statement! I could totally rock that look. And why stop at one, right Winnie?
Both these looks are by KORHANI HOME decor and were featured in Style at Home magazine.
KORHANI has also been featured nationally in newspapers and magazines including Style at Home, Vogue, Elle and The Globe & Mail.
I was really surprised to discover that this stylish line (particularly area rugs – very affordable price points) is sold at retailers including Lowe’s, Real Canadian Super Store, Rona, and Walmart.
You can see their offerings at their website www.korhani.com
So, how about you? Are you more a traditional holiday decor type hauling out last year’s items? Or are you like me, itching to update a bit each year?
Each year a add bit-by-bit and every year after xmas I tell myself I’m going to go out and buy a whole set of new decorations once they hit blow out sale prices. Of course, I’m shopped out at that point and forget all about it…until the following year. I think I need two trees. One that is traditional with all baubles collected throughout the years and then a more modern one for me. hmmm?
Sonya, I’d love to update but when I mentioned it this year the kids vetoed me! To them, Christmas is about those decorations they remember from year to year, and I can identify with that sentiment from my own childhood. I did buy all new lights last year because we were all sick and tired of trying to find the one burnt out bulb amongst all those tiny fairy lights wired in series!
I guess when the kids move out I’ll probably go out and buy all new decos 😉