I really want to take the opportunity to let parents know that if you want answers you need to go find them!
We always seem to be so intimidated by large corporations that say stuff but never follow-through. Through this whole process I have discovered that customer feedback is so crucial for these companies to hear. They can’t fix the problems that we want fixed if they aren’t aware. As parents we have an obligation to ourselves and our families to be aware of what we are consuming on a daily basis.
I love asking and answering questions about this whole experience and opportunity. That is how I can get myself and my family educated and trust me if you do those surveys that are on the bottom of your receipts, things could really happen to provoke change.
Try it sometime moms…no fear – get those questions answered!
Thanks for the support! I find it difficult to stand up and let people know how I feel. I guess I’m too much of a people pleaser – someone who doesn’t like to rock the boat. What I often forget is that my children are observing my behaviour and see me accept things that are less than adequate. I want my girls to become strong independent women and they need to see this strength in me.
That is a very good point, Laura. If you don’t advocate for yourself and your family who will? You can’t expect companies to know how you feel if you don’t tell them.