Before I was married I loved to stay up late and sleep in. Then I tied the knot, real life started, babies started showing up and I joined the ranks of the Early To Bed, Early To Rise, out of necessity. The sleep deprivation was unreal and I needed to get to bed as early as possible each night to combat the draining fatigue. And kids…they get up SO early. Ugh. Makes me tired just thinking about it. So in my current situation, it is rare if I am up past 10:30 at night.
That being said, I was away this weekend with an old friend and we savoured a holiday from the kids and our true colours showed:
(This was staged, I promise. Don’t call Betty Ford.)
We stayed up until 3 am both nights, staggered out of bed just before noon and had crepes at a cafe with our lattes as we rubbed the sleep from our eyes. And it was AWESOME. My true internal time clock made a re-emergence and it was so refreshing. I STILL GOT IT!
Are you a night owl or a morning person? Have your sleeping and waking tendencies changed since having kids?
I love staying up late & sleeping in but it has been scaled back after kids. My oldest used to wake up at 5:30-6am & it was awful! Now he’s old enough to get up, eat breakfast & watch TV quietly until we’re up so I am loving it (on weekends that is…). I work full time but some nights I cannot tear myself away from the PVR to get to bed at a decent hour! I pay the next morning.
I love this pic Amanda!
My children also got up very very early when they were little (a result likely of me putting them to bed very very early!) The when I could sleep in finally on the weekends I started rising really early- isn’t that weird?
Now they have early morning practices and I am an early gym person and my youngest has taken up rowing. Rowing means you rise at 5 all winter and in the spring at 4. Ok that is NUTS. I use to say I would only get up at that hour for a newborn, a sick child or a flight to somewhere wonderful!
It is so weird what we do for our people!
I love the sounds of your weekend ! Good for you- did you come back refreshed and ready to tackle everything?
the only thing that would make that pic better would be a “mysterious hand” over your shoulder 🙂
Definitely a night owl.
The earliest my babies would wake up at as infants was between 7:30-8. Awesome.
Luckily our school doesn’t start until 9:15am, so we can usually all roll out of bed at 8 and be out the door by 9:10.
I lucked out and married an early bird so he gets up with them on the weekends and I usually get up around 9:30-10.
I thought that having kids would change my internal clock but it never happened…
Night, night, night…
I was STRICT with my kids about their sleep routines, just as to avoid the too-early morning wake-ups. I like the nightlife, baby… *clap-clap* and sometimes I pay, but mostly, I still just love it. BUt I can’t put my debaucherous pics on the internets… 😉
SO GLAD you had an awesome time, lady! You so totally deserve it, Amanda!! xox