I have never been an early riser. Never. One thing I worried about before becoming a parent was the sleep and lack thereof.
Luckily my babies were never up early and usually began their day around 7:30am.
I honestly don’t know what I would have done if they were earlier risers.
I honestly don’t know what I would have done if they were earlier risers.
Currently, my usual bedtime during the week is midnight. By the time I fall asleep watching whatever is on TLC or A&E it’s around 1am.
Every single morning while I’m trying to peel my eyes open I vow to be in bed that night by 10 and sleep by 11.
Never happens. Last night at 10:30 I was doing this:

(I made sure Owen was in the picture on purpose)
That purple basket was waiting for the load that was in the dryer. It finally finished drying at 11:20pm.
If it’s not laundry, then it’s lunches. If it’s not lunches it’s tidying (the kitchen for the next morning). If it’s not tidying it’s surfing the internet.
There are so many reasons why I need to sleep more than I do. The purple circles under my eyes, the 3pm wall I hit everyday, my foul mood.
If I was better rested would I crave the chocolate that sustains me as much?
I’m certain it wouldn’t be so difficult dragging my ass out of bed every morning. Maybe Cuyler wouldn’t have to shove Lotso Cuddles bear in my face and hit his “laugh” button to get me to open my eyes.
I might actually be able to get up early enough to be able to blow dry my hair (damn you, winter!)
If I was better rested would I crave the chocolate that sustains me as much?
I’m certain it wouldn’t be so difficult dragging my ass out of bed every morning. Maybe Cuyler wouldn’t have to shove Lotso Cuddles bear in my face and hit his “laugh” button to get me to open my eyes.
I might actually be able to get up early enough to be able to blow dry my hair (damn you, winter!)
I really should have added this to my intentions list back on New Years Eve.
The laundry can wait til tomorrow. The kitchen will always be messy.
Lunches will get made eventually and I really need to curb my screen time at night.
I need to sleep more. There’s no good enough excuse why I don’t.
The laundry can wait til tomorrow. The kitchen will always be messy.
Lunches will get made eventually and I really need to curb my screen time at night.
I need to sleep more. There’s no good enough excuse why I don’t.
Are you a night owl or an early riser? Got any tips for me to schedule my bedtime earlier than 1am?
OMG, Christine, your post is ME. Right up to folding laundry in front of mindless TV. Going to bed extremely late. But I hit the wall at 10a and again at 2 or 3p. I do everything better at night, like it or not!
LOL – I remember thinking you were sick as a teenager because you could sleep in until well into the afternoon! I’ve never meet a night owl like you.
alcohol? dressing like a girl? yes
Im your date anytime

I am an “internal alarm clock” kinda gal– and it sucksssss, because it isnt by choice.
I am so used to Having to get up at 5:45 every Morning ( and I do stress HAVE to) to get this whole damn house running, that I get up usually no later than 7 on a weekend. AND whats worse is that because Im Internally clocking… I always ALWAYS have to get up and pee- usually just before 5:30!!
so yeah at night my best intentions are to be in bed by 10:00, never happens, lunches to be made: mine, the tall child and small child, clothes out, for both boys because they have to Match, no child in this house can choose what they wear yet.. and ironing of my dress pants and blouses. Agendas completed, notebook recorded, backback packed.
J can sleep in no matter what, and he does- so the deal here is : on weekends I nap- read a book, makes me sleepy, then nap every Saturday and Sunday if possible. Through the week is a lost cause, Im in bed by 11:30 if Im lucky, and up at 5:45 for the routine.
did I mention it sucksssss??
and with Adams life history of being a crappy sleeper, I think Ive been sleep deprived since 1998
I am also happy to go to the Bar anytime with you and have some fun
p.s I mentioned Ill go to the bar right?
I love folding warm, fresh laundry. I find it very therapeutic.
But it’s the putting away that I never get to.
Watching crap television sometime after midnight as I type this…
Yes….If I could fit in a nap somewhere it might work. But sadly that opportunity never presents itself. Ever.
It doesn’t seem that long ago that we’d be out drinking til last call at 2am on a Thursday night, head over to MrSub til 3am and get up to be at work for 8am.
Then I’d go home, have a disco nap and do it all over again Friday night. And then Saturday night.
Ahh…the good old days. When I was fun.
Precisely – I let the alone time go on too long.
And yes! 10 to 2 – those are my best hours also. By 3pm I’m dragging.
So there’s hope for me? In a few years I may be able to get out of bed before 7am?? That’s as early as it gets and that rarely happens!
oh see weekends kill me because of the sleeping in.
I sleep in til 10 or so (husband is an early bird!) and then I’m up til like 2 or 3am.
5am – oh my! That is just all sorts of wrong. That’s still kinda middle-of-the-night for me.
hmm…tea and a book. Will try that.
I wake up at 5am for work. I know. I actually get more done in the morning if I can drag my tired ass out of bed.
However, I hate going to bed early. I think someone already said it, but I love that “me” time in the evening when I can watch TV and do things at my own pace without a crazy boy hanging off of me or destroying everything I clean.
I think we would all do better with more sleep- I know I NEED 8 hours to function well but I usually only get 5 or 6 hours at the most.
So, I’m no help to you at all- just here with you:)
is it possible to be neither? i loooooove sleeping in but looooove going to be early. when the two collide i am almost human the next day!
but looooove is not real life…midnight for bed, wake up for 7. still civilized!
I get up around 5:45 – I do lunches in the morning (my kids are old enough to do everything but I like to do for them and they work and play v hard at school) their days start with extra curriculars at school at 7 so we are all up early. After I drop them I go to gym. It is our routine now
When my kids were little I was up late but they would get up early- I was not a morning person then at all! Now I have become one and I love it (although I think it may be an after 40 thing!) We go to bed around 11 on weeknights (I try kids by 10- depends on work load). It works for us- but your laundry basket looks better than mine…… I think you are amazing all you do with 3 littles!!!!
Christine, I’ve been heading to bed much earlier than I am used to these days, with a hot tea and my book. Depending on the day, I am finding myself falling asleep before my tea is even done. I love reading although I am only able to get through a chapter or so a night, it really does help me unwind after a busy, stressful day.
I joke that I am neither and have a tiny window of happy productivity between 10 am and 2 pm.
I do find it hard to get to bed early after a long day with the kids, even if I’m exhausted, because I just so savour the alone time that I let it go on too long.
I so hear ya! Mind you with my every so graceful aging process, i have come to terms with the fact that yes i am old (er) and need the sleep to function. I do have to get up early and make the lunches, figure out dinner check what “school day” it is but never the less i’m usually going to bed around 11-1130. I just have this attitude now that “oh well, it will get done eventually”. I’m sure as hell not going to loose any MORE sleep over the fact that the ballet bodysuit isnt dry for class, or the gym clothes are not even washed for the next day. Its the organized chaos that we’ve all become accustomed to. Oh and Mom being extra grumpy most mornings……..
What happened to when we were able to pull an “all nighter” and then go to school and party that night????
I am neither, nor.
I have to get up anywhere between 5:30-6:30 for work (depending on drop off), and as much as I try to get to bed early I don’t. Mornings suck. I hate getting out of bed.
I require a lot of sleep. My eyelids droop on their own accord. I lay down with the little ones and nap in the afternoon, dozing when they do. It is the only way I make it through the day…
I hate mornings.
Lady, I wish I knew the answer. I’m up just before 7 during the week, and every night when I’m dragging my butt off the couch, somewhere between 12:30 and 1:30 AM, I PROMISE to get to bed earlier the next night. It never happens for me either.
I know I stay up so late, in part, because the house is so quiet, and I’m enjoying some ME time. Only my ME would be better off with more sleep, I’m sure. But I reckon I’ll get enough sleep when I’m dead. In the mean time, they’ll just have to deal with cranky mum some days – their moods are foul too, yo! Besides, when else can I watch all my crap television?!
PS – nice folding, lady!!