Congratulations to Diana from Thunder Bay, ON, who has won a prize pack from Moxie Trades. Enjoy your pink boots, Diana!!!
New year, same old hole in the kichen wall, leak in the bathroom ceiling, and broken overhead fan in the kids' bedroom (probably a priority project as the kids' room houses bunkbeds which reach said broken fan). What's a girl to do??? While many of us think the only tool to use in these circumstances is a cell phone, many more are turning to the traditional tools of the trades.
As more and more women are entering trades traditionally employing men, Moxie Trades popped up a few years ago. The company is seeking to fill a gap in the industry by providing stylish, durable and safe work-wear for women. Moxie Trades successfully launched the world's first line of coloured work boots and accessories for women, and in their products are flying off the shelves.
Due to a leak in the basement which bred mould, most of the drywall needs to be replaced, taped, plastered, primed and painted. I am a single mom who has made this her winter project…wish me luck!
We’re putting shelves up in the space under the stairs to make a little pantry & command centre! I’m going to put up a pair of shutter doors with a magnet board on the inside of one & a whiteboard on the inside of the other. The top shelf will have spaces for a cup of pens/pencils/scissors, a pretty box with envelopes & stamps, a couple of note pads & I’ll buy a sectioned box for bills/mail.
The lower shelves are for cans & jars with the very bottom shelf set aside for packages of paper towels & kleenex!
I am redoing a kitchen/dining room project, and truthfully, I’m tired of filling drywall, sanding drywall, walking on sharp drywall screws and dusting drywall dust. I can hardly wait to start painting!
We have a living room that is waiting to be finished! We recently had to move tv stand because our little one started crawling so we need to mount TV and the rest of equipment. We want to paint the walls before that, then we need to buy furniture – we only have a couch in our living room- and finish the room off! And kitchen needs paining, too. Don’t get me started on the back yard that still needs fence..patio…uh…
What a great way to stand out on a worksite! I love these “happy-go-lucky” boots!
Friends of ours were renting out their home and unfortunately the renter destroyed the property without the know-how they called for an estimate and were quoted fifty thousand dollars and five months to bring the home back to the point of being paintable. I decided to help them out and quoted them ten to fifteen thousand in material to bring the house back to liveable, decorated and furnished and completed the task on budget and in nearly two months…the ultra cool gear would have been appreciated as I destroyed two pairs of pants, a pair of uggs and sunglasses (doubling for goggles)anyhow I’m tired but have recently decided to put my house on the market and have bought new so a new washroom is required since I gutted the one that was in the basement, as well as another coat of paint throughout to freshen up the place (oh bother 6th coat in some areas in just as many years:( )I have to nail gun some baseboards down and install two new french doors to brighten up the living area… the list carries on and on. I’m very good at keeping myself busy.
We’re in the process of replacing the decades old musty carpet in the basement with something more neutral and plush
I have already tackled some huge reno projects and my old black steel toes are looking pretty bad. This winter I am gutting and reframing the basement bedroom so my son can move downstairs and my girls will finally each have their own rooms
For this New Year we are tackling the inside of our home. The last two summers we worked on the outside and have it just so. This year we are tearing out the ensuite bathroom (hubby is in the process of hammering out plaster, tile, cabinets, everything). AFter the bathroom is done, it is on to updating the three bedrooms.
Well as usual in my house if I wait for my husband to do it, it doesn’t get done unless I call his brother in law to pitch in. So far they have put hardwood flooring in the diningroom after I painted it. Then they put laminant flooring in the livingroom just before our daughter started to crawl.
Considering the prices of houses today I think we’ll be here for a while so I keep lining up home renos to be done. Plus I enjoy painting, I find it rather therapeutic.
My current projects lined up for this spring are to paint my daughters new room so her baby brother can have the nursery. Paint my kitchen and replace the doors on the adjacent laundry closet.
Also in the works is my front foyer. I’ve already removed the stucco ceiling and repaired a water mark now I just have to prime and paint then replace the closet doors and maybe put in some ceramic tile.
As well as finish a set of stairs I’d riped the carpet off and sanded in the hopes my husband would stain them. So I’ll finish that project this spring as well. I’ll likely paint them and put on a carpet runner.
As well I will be replacing the sinks in both of my bathrooms but I may ask my brother in law to help with that one, plumbing isn’t something I’m willing to risk doing completely on my own just yet.
Oh I love these! I work in a predominantly male workplace and I don’t want to be seen as “one of the boys.” I am a hard worker who happens to be a girly-girl.
I have to wear steel-toed boots in my volunteer work. To show up in these pink boots would be momentous!
Unlike what Red Green says, women can now be handy AND handsome (or lovely, in our case! Thanks Moxie Trades)
This year, I am tearing down a wall to expand and renovate my teeny bathroom into a spacious and modern bathroom/laundry area. No more banging my knees on the tub when I sit down to pee!
The overriding need at my place is a massive repainting project. I’m up to it…I think!
Love the whole idea of work gear especially for women. Why not?
We bought an older house about a year ago and we have been renovating ever since.
I love renovating, especially the demo part of it…so steel toe boots would serve me well….next on my list is 2 bathrooms but I think we’ll pace ourselves after just finishing the basement and kitchen in less than 1 year !
Fantastic idea! What women wants to wear men’s stuff. We’re planning on renovating our kitchen this year. I know, I know…but it’s got to be done.
Wow, I could have used those pretty pink boots a number of times! Is there an end to home renovating? Not at my house! This year we will be putting wood flooring down in the living room. It used to be carpet but it has gone, same as the cat who peed on it. Couldn’t figure out what the smell was until I caught him at it. He was sick so you have to give him some slack and I never liked carpeting anyway.
haha…were do I begin…I love my husband but when it comes to household repairs he just isn’t the one to do it. I think I might finish our entrance which he started a year and a half ago and never finished. I would also love to finish the basement by installing our drop ceiling and putting up the drywall in the storage room (you guessed it! He started it several months ago and never finished)… What’s that saying…If you want a job done (and done right) you just have to do it yourself!
Since May 2009 I have become a “Moxie Woman” as I have undertaken an entire house renovation.I have not only dug ditches for Big O (not what you may think)have completely landscaped my one acre,torn out walls,cleaned out black mold,sanded walls,stairs,grouted,cut lumber,built a deck,and learned how to use the tools of the trade.
It was too bad that I had to buy my mens workboots and safety glasses before I discovered the Moxie Line.The line wasn’t available at Walmart or Home Depot in May :(.
Workwear designed for guys simply doesn’t do the job for Moxie Grrlz.My next pair of boots and safety glasses will be Moxies for sure. Now Moxie… what about designing work gloves in chick sizing and …. how about light weight tools ?
My plans are to re-roof the shed with my husband! Those work boots are awesome! I bruised my foot badly once moving furniture in flip flops… lol.
I am presently pulling all the drywall, plywood and ceiling tiles out of my wartime kitchen. It’s messy but neccessary and am looking forward to my new updated black and white funky kitchen.
My plans are; new lights in the kitchen, new ceiling in the bathroom (the leak is fixed), new flooring in the small bedroom.
My 2009 reno plans include finishing the guest room, wallpapering the powder room (need to find funky wallpaper – I know it exists…somewhere…), refinishing the cabinets in the ensuite bathroom, having the guest bathroom bathtub refinished… *whew* … and finishing our basement (but that – we’re hiring a contractor for!!)
I’ll be working on our screened in sun porch. I plan to give it a fresh coat of paint and spruce it up with some “new” furniture, plants and flowers. It will be a great place to sit on warm evenings and watch the river flowing past.
Ah… my “fixer upper” is still in need of “fixer upper-ing”. We luckily did the kitchen before we moved in, which involved changing electrical, plumbing and filling in a giant hole in the wall. But now we move on to the basement. My husband has done a great job getting walls and ceiling installed in the kids playroom. Now we tackle the furnace room/laundry room/bathroom. The bathroom (though physically larger than the main bathroom in the house) does not function at all, the laundry tub doesn’t have a tap, and stuff lies everywhere due to the absence of shelving and storage.
I am excited to take it on – but know I need some good work boots (we need to take down walls – remove a bath tub and move a sink) and other “woman sized” work wear. Gear from Moxie would be great.
I’ve been living alone with my kids for awhile, and just this week my partner has moved in, bringing with her, her two sons. Our home is tiny, but filled with an abundance of love. I’m usually not that great with a hammer,and tend to hit my thumb more than the actual nail. We however need to renovate and tackle this three bedroom, to make it large enough for us, and our now five boys. While debating how best to do that, we plan to renovate the basement into living space for the eldest two, giving them a cool pad, and some privacy for their ever growing independence. Doing so will require, drywall, taping, painting, and of course the use of tools that I still can not pronounce. (nothing like the present to learn). I’ll have to take pictures, this will be a comedic show like no other.!!
I am painting all the doors and moldings in the house and then plan to rip up the carpets in preparation for new bamboo flooring.
Finished the new laundry and kitchen gutting just over a year ago, and after taking a year long sigh of relief it’s time to start the bathrooms! The old laundry ( 6′ x 7′ “room”) will be the new bedroom ensuite, pocket door to go in the back of a regular closet that will magically morph into a walk in. Small shower, pedestal sink, toilet, and linen tower in the plan. The floor will be a step up to accomodate the plumbing, as the furnace is immediately below that room so we can’t go into the floor (ducting in the joists) I’m hiring someone for plumbing, but framing and electrical thru drywall I can do myself.
Once the ensuite is in and working the main bath will be gutted (we currently only have the one bath, so need an interim before gutting) I have an antique 1904 claw foot tub just waiting for it’s new home!!! This is, believe it or not, probably the smaller of the 2 jobs, as only one wall needs moving, LOL! I’m intending marble counters, and hex tile floors… but since our slate kitchen floor that we did ourselves turned out fantastic, I’m not worried.
Work gear scaled to a female frame would be fantastic! My work belt is always bulky and uncomfortable, especially if I tighten it enough so it doesn’t slide off : P and anything other than the old steel toe army boots!!!
Our front yard is desperate for attention! We have an over grown ugly tree that must come out. And we still have the ugly builders steps!
I am going to put in a new kitchen counter top. I have some beautiful tiles, got the adhesive and the grout just have to pick up the wood and trim. Wish me luck.
I should have thought of this great business idea! I spend a lot of time clomping around construction sites in my ugly brown steel-toes. The major reno we have this year is to rebuild our screened in sun-room. My husband isn’t all that handy, so it will mostly be my project.
I have just started a major house renovation. It involves removing old plaster walls, ripping up old hardwood, lots of drywalling and painting and taking out my old kitchen and putting in a new one. Luckily I have a husband who it a tradesperson so we are doing the whole project ourselves. Some work gear would definately come in handy right about now! I girl still needs to look good…
I love these boots & they would be great while working as my husband’s side kick while he renovates 2 (not 1) bathrooms at the moment…the pink would help me retain my good humour & patience !!:)
I am planning to spruce up my laundry area by taking out the crappy plastic laundry tub and replacing it with a slicked up second hand cabinet, stainless steel sink and cool taps. Luckily my sister is now an apprentice plumber and she is going to help me. I would like to win the gear for her!
Cool! Pink boots are so hot and I am a huge supporter of Breast Cancer awareness and these will show my support and keep my feet safe.
My project that I am taking on this year is a backsplash for my kitchen, my husband doesn’t have the patience so thought I would attempt it myself. Picked up books on chicks who fix and repair and will educate myself on doing an awesome job that will make me proud.
We’re planning on finishing our basement so the kids can have an actual playroom. We’ll do some of it ourselves but will need some professional help on some of it. Also, we’ve got about 50,000 other jobs around the house to do if we only had the money! And the time.
Fab workboots! I would definitely be inspired to take on more of my much-needed repairs in those!
My home will be undergoing some major structural renos this year, but most of that will be done by contractor (I like to think I am pretty handy, but replacing subfloor piers and upgrading the electrical system is out of my league).
My job will be to complete a kitchen reno. I need to remove half a wall and replace it with fresh gypsum board. I will then be covering the entire wall with that very handy paintable wallpaper (hide those flaws!) and of course, painting. I will also be continuing the work into the adjoining laundry room/porch.
very appealing; I think a first womans work wear! Nice to see the someone catering to the needs of the working women out there!
What a great idea to make work gear just for women! I do a lot of repairs around the house and all of the safety gear is sized for men. I was repairing the ceiling and wanted to wear safety glasses to keep debris out of my eyes, but my husband’s safety goggles kept slipping off. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for these products next time I’m at Home Depot.
My dream project is installing more lighting in our basement, but I’m not sure if I’m up to tackling that one yet. More research is required!!