you can find me on twitter pretty much, um, all the damn time whereupon i tell you very, very important 140-character nuggets of information such as:
really want to see Billy Crudup’s big blue penis movie. i mean, he IS a golden god, after all….
we are NOT going to talk about the button i just popped on my jeans. oh no, we are not.
i really want an iphone. and maybe some swedish fish. in the grand scheme of things, i really am pretty easy to please.
see what you are missing? you NEED to get on twitter where you will not only find me – and my 2,035 updates (HOLY CRAP i have updated the world on my interesting boring life more than 2,000 times)
it seems it’s not only yours truly you can find on twitter. you can find the likes of John Mayer and Stephen Colbert and Britney Spears and Pete Wentz and Shaquille O’Neal and Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore and Mischa Barton and Kevin Smith and Barack Obama and Dane Cook and Ellen Degeneres and P.Diddy and many, many more (interested in a little celebrity stalking? check out this page)
Now, i will admit to being a little bit curious as to what some celebrities have to say. and also, who doesn’t love when they have those “celebrities – they are just like us” features in magazines? so, twitter is almost like this..i mean, when John Mayer tweets: BREAKING CELEBRITY NEWS: I was sitting with my legs crossed for too long and my penis fell asleep. i admit, i chuckle. and giggle. and then i really want to have a conversation with John Mayer.
he seems to get what twitter is all about.
i mean, sure, he doesn’t and probably won’t ever follow you back. and i mean, sure, he probably won’t ever reply to one of your replies (PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP @’ING CELEBRITIES. your tweets are falling on deaf ears. for serious). but dude gets twitter.
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore GET twitter. not only are they opening up to talk about things in their every day life, they are communicating with other twitterers. and they even are using Qik videos! and they have even been known to @somebody back after asking them a question.
Shaq totally seems to get it too.
He originally created his twitter ID in order to shut down an imposter. instead of calling a lawyer when someone was posing as him, his media consultant suggested he just start microblogging himself. “I told him to just be
his larger than life self and that other person will seem
inconsequential,” she says. The next morning, O’Neal
tweeted his first post: “this is the real SHAQUILLE O’NEAL.” A few
hours later, he followed up with some advice. “Good morning everyone.
Let me give you all a hint on how to relate to me, Shaquille O’Neal I
have a sense of humor [and] I am very quotatious.” AND he even meets up with fans! ha!
there are still some people posing as imposters. The twitterer tweeting as Tina Fey, for example, is NOT her. “Whoever is writing my Twitter account is pretty funny,” she wrote in a statement to, “But it’s not me.”
and there are obviously celebs who just do not GET twitter. someone who doesn’t get it (yet…she is still learning, yo!)? Ellen. i mean, sure, it’s cool and all that she’s on twitter and is talking about it on her show EVERY SINGLE DAY, but BEGGING for followers? that’s not how twitter works. those of us who have been doing this for a while know that you build your readers ORGANICALLY, not by begging for the most commenters ever zomg!
I’m on twitter, too, but I can’t imagine how the people who are following, like 2,500 people keep up. I do follow some celebs and I was soooooo flattered when Starbucks coffee started following me back. Awww, shucks, lil’ ol’ me 🙂
What I hate? People who bombard you with hundreds of tweets every day that are only related to their biz, and never any insightful real-life nuggets. Hello! The question is: “what are you doing right now?” not “what are you trying to flog right now?”
Gotta start following AK, though. He’s funny.
uh yeah, I signed up for twitter last week when I was home for 4 days with sick kids. Yeah, pretty late.
I follow Lance Arstrong and he is awesome. Twitpics all the time. Apparently he’s a crackberry addict.
I’ll check out ashton kutcher.
You can find me on twitter too – I follow some of the celebs but the best and most real IMHO is Ashton Kutcher. I love the Qik vids!
Kat Dennings is also on Twitter – but meh.