…I’m going! I SO loved the Twilight books (OK, I hated #4 because it was just all too easy for Bella in the end but I am willing to overlook it because of my true teenage-girl-style love of the others). It was great to be all 13-again-like and that is why tonight my guest of honour at the New Moon premiere is my 12-year-old pal and the kid’s babysitter, Martina. You think I am excited? Nothing compares to an almost 13-year-old’s love of all things Twilight.
So, we’re getting all dressed up and heading out on the town. I promise to take pics and let you all know what I think of the hunky werewolves film. I will also be tweeting about it live so you can follow me on twitter @Jen_Maier for the latest from the red carpet.
Just in case you haven’t seen it or if you just need a little more Twilight New Moon love coming your way, here is the trailer. Squeeeee!
Trey is showin dem haterz with his inspirational performance on Can’t Be Friends. Trey be soundin like the king of R&B and it’s really believable. I bought his CD and I want to see him on his upcoming tour.
I mean, I could see all this fuss over the guy if he’d led Jersey to the Finals
Long time reader, first time poster! Great post. Appreciate the work thats gone into the site so far, keep it up! 🙂
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I really love films I couldn’t really live without…
If Bella doesnt have Edward then bella doesn’t want to live. She doesn’t care about anyone else except her and edward! It’s pretty much like she doesnt even care for charlie or her mom and how depressed they would be if she died!! Anybody else think the same thing
I was too busy this weekend to see it – to my disappointment. Hope you enjoyed it and I can’t wait looks like Wednesday is free….knock on wood. LOL
I too will be watching later. My two kids are too much to leave on a week night. So, I will live through you….I look forward to your updates!
Kiss the vampire for us, if he shows!
I’m keeping my computer with me all night to follow your twitter updates! It’s going to be so much fun for you:) Can’t wait to hear about it.
Wow. So exciting, and you’ve got the perfect date. I can imagine you’ll get as much of a kick out of seeing her reaction to this evening, as you will out of the movie! Enjoy!