Now here’s a day worth celebrating! Did you know that April 7th of each year is NATIONAL NO HOUSEWORK DAY?! I feel it’s my duty and honour to let our UrbanMoms readers know it’s a day to relax and enjoy! Yes, you can thank me now.
I’m pretty sure that the person who first thought of this day was back in June Cleaver years, but us “modern, urban families” are all about equality right? Both men and women doing their fair share of housework duties, yes? And if you’re lucky enough to have kids who do some chores (ha, good for you!)… I say we all celebrate!
So, think you can do it?… I know, it’s tough (yeah, right!)
No Dishes.
No Toilets.
No Vacuuming.
No Toilets.
No Windows.
No Toilets.
No _______________________ (insert your own)
BUT like me, you’re probably in SPRING CLEANING MODE as soon as the trees start budding in the front yard.
So, after you’ve enjoyed your “day of rest” and sometime after the whole fam damily comes over for this weekend’s big supper, here are some really great cleaning tips you may want to keep handy!
Enter Melissa Maker, cleaning expert and founder of Clean My Space. She’s been featured on CityLine, Slice Network, Steven and Chris show and countless others.
Melissa knows that I have a love/hate relationship with cleaning (as in… I hate cleaning BUT love the clean feeling!). So, I’ve asked Melissa for some home-made cleaning remedies that can be made with ingredients found right in my pantry.
GROUT CLEANING’s not a fun job but if not properly maintained by cleaning, grout will become discoloured and full of mold and mildew.
1/3 cup of baking soda
1/2 cup of vinegar
7 cups of water
Mix all in a spray bottle and shake. Spray on an wipe with a damp sponge that won’t scratch the enamel on your tub. Her choice is Scotch-Brite’s Grout Scrubber. It’s specifically designed to clean grout and won’t leave a scratch.
To get rid of build up soap scum use 50% dish soap and 50% vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the glass shower door, walls, tubs and let sit for 10 minutes. Then use a non-abrasive sponge that won’t scratch to scrub down (try Scotch-Brite‘s Non-Scratch Tub Scrubber). Rinse and buff dry with a microfiber cloth.
Drop 2 denture tablets into the bowl (yes denture tablets!) and leave for 10 minutes and flush. Denture tablets are designed to de-scale and disinfect dentures..apparently they’ll do the same for toilets! Just give the bowls a quick swish and you’ll be done before you know it!
Sometimes I noticed that water doesn’t flow as easily. Turns out they get build up too. An easy fix is to soak the shower head in white vinegar to de-scale annually. Even better if you can soak the shower head overnight. For extra cleaning, you can heat the vinegar in a microwave and then soak the shower head.
So, how about you? Are you in Spring Cleaning Mode???
Let me know if you want more handy tips from Melissa…I’ve got a few more up my dishwashing soaked sleeves!
Thanks Melissa!
This post is written by me and is based on my experience and interviews. It is not sponsored nor have I been compensated. Sometimes I am offered products or services for review and sometimes I purchase them on my own. Scotch Brite has provided me with sample scrubbers and I fully intend to use them after April 7th.
I wish I could say I enjoy this idea, but in my house it is National No cleaning day, more then it isn’t!!! Way more important things to do……like ANYTHING ELSE!!!!