Over the weekend, I got a chance to spend some time with old friends, just hanging out. Friday, I had a girl’s day – we took a pottery class, secret santa’d at Honest Ed’s (have you guys been there – HOLY HELL…it’s insane..I had a panic attack and was tweeting for help to find my way out!) – then ate Korean BBQ. Saturday afternoon I hung out with my friends from NYC who were in town. Saturday night, I relived my 20s with an other group of friends..drank too much and caught some amazing live music at the Horseshoe. As I took the streetcar home, listening to anything non-Wiggles, I had some sobering thoughts.
When we were in our 20’s, the only drama seemed to be around men. Seriously, think back. Life was pretty simple then – we just didn’t know it. I remember when my mom died, a woman on the board of directors at my company hugged me and said, ‘the only comfort I can offer is that your rose coloured glasses have been removed early.’ I asked her what she meant and she explained that when she was 30, she lost a child and since then, she had been phased by little. She said that once you’ve experienced the worst, nothing can get you down and life is put into perspective.
But on my ride home, I started to think about my broad spectrum of friends and all of the horrible things that have happened to them and their families over the past couple of years – cancer, unemployment, infertility, divorce, death, miscarriages, autism, depression and the list just goes on. And I started to wonder, did shitty things like this happen before and I was just unaware? Or does life just get that much more difficult as you get older?
I realize that yes, great things have happened to but if you put them on the scale – I feel like lately, the bad is SO outweighing the good. I guess my rose coloured glasses are off but sometimes I wish I could put them on again though.
2010 is winding down…and my wish, as hopelessly Charlie Brown’ish as this might sound, is for some peace for 2011. Look – I’m no George Clooney – I’m not looking world peace – I just truly want some good things to happen to the people that I love. The people who keep me going. Because they deserve it.
**I want to cheer at the sunset like we did in this picture…one of my all time favourites.**
I agree, that “Once you’ve experienced the worst, nothing can get you down and life is put into perspective.” It is a matter of being adaptation. You were to adapt a situation after you’ve experience the worst.
And I believe that start a healthy living as you are young so you can continue practicing that habit as you grow old. Health is the number one priority to live a long life.
Actually I’ve noticed a lot more sick folks around me as I get older, I guess with age comes more of a touch of reality then anything. The older I get, the more sick my friends get – kind of a full circle situation. I guess that’s life…
Bonnie Smith
COO/Director FXP
Sarah, this line struck such a chord with me:
“did shitty things like this happen before and I was just unaware? Or does life just get that much more difficult as you get older?”
I have said and thought that so many times over the past few years! In the end, one of the only ways I can rationalize it is that thesethings have always happened and I have been extremely lucky to have missed so much of it so far.
Here’s wishing that all the children in the world could be so blessed!
I have been thinking about this lately as a family friend of ours lost their beautiful daughter (she was only 25) in a tragic accident overseas. It seems like no matter what, there will be sadness lurking in our futures (and sometimes our presents, too) and it’s just so hard to even let my mind go there. To think of all there is to be lost, is just too much.
I hope you find that peace you’re looking for and that the goodness starts rolling in like waves in the new year. 🙂
I’m so sorry to hear that Christina. My nephew was the same if you remember so I know how scary that is. Hang in there.
My wish for my birthday this pas t Dec(sort of childish) but was for my nephew to get better, he at 4 months has been experiencing “unknown seizures” it’s been awful for my brother and SIL and sad for our entire family. If Santa could just give us good health and happiness for the New Year. This would be the best gift for all of us…Merry Christmas – wishing you and your family much love, laughter, happiness and good health!! I agree with you about the sunset, we can watch it everynight from our front window and I have to say every night it’s beautiful..
This reminds me of my Stick in the Mud post.
And what happened to that fun, funny carefree girl I used to be.
Life happened to her and nobody guaranteed me an easy peaceful life. I remember feeling like I was stuck in a rut. Days I did not want to get up and be me and live my life. But I lived through those dark days and feel I am somewhat out on the other side.
Just lean on those friends, sister! They’ll hold you up and get you through to the other side. You’ll get there.
I wish for you a peaceful 2011 full of love, health and happiness xoxo
Peace on earth, Good will towards men. An age old saying at Christmas, but it’s
really what we want for everyone. I think that’s why we keep celebrating this season…because it makes us reflect and contemplate and makes us hope. It
brings out the best part of ourselves and others…So, on that note…
The merriest of Christmases to you and Will…Hoping you experience love, laughter
friends and family to the fullest…to the brim…