(Disclaimer: YES- this is a whiny blog post. You have been warned but, you know, pregnancy hormones made me write it!)
WHY do they call it morning sickness when I’m sick all day. Every day. No fail. From the time I get up until the moment I go to sleep, and sometimes even in the middle of the night, I am haunted by nausea that won’t give up and a never ending run to the porcelain throne.
Actually, let me digress slightly. This pregnancy is a bit different then last. When I was pregnant with The Boy if food that was not a white carb (bread, pasta, potatoes, etc…) touched my lips it was immediately regurgitated. I threw up at least 5 times a day. I carried plastic bags in all my pockets and would regularly run out of the classroom or pull over on the side of the road to vomit in my plethora of plastic bags. I was a pro by the fifth month of pregnancy when the sickness wore off.
This time, it’s slightly different. I’m not actually throwing up quite as often. But I am sick. ALL. THE. TIME. I cannot think, I can barely move, I am a useless, ever growing blob of sickness. I would take the throwing up 5 times a day over what I’m feeling in a heart beat!
There is nothing worse then feeling so sick and not being able to do anything about it. Hands down- nothing.
I have yet to find anything that works to calm the sea of nausea. Thus far, the only thing that has made me feel slightly human for a few moments are sour dough bread and tea. And, let’s be honest, you can’t live on sour dough and tea alone. The worst part? Even the medicine my doctor prescribed for me didn’t work.
I don’t know if I can take this for much longer so, I ask beg, what are your no-fail ways to get through morning (all day!) sickness? Or, at the very least, commiserate with me because misery loves nothing better then company!
Awww, I remember that and feel bad for you. That being said, I was ill for my entire pregnancy and quite honestly, about fifteen minutes after I delivered my son via c-section, it vanished. I tried everything and the strangest odours would make me reach for The Bag. So, I found that any type of mint gum would settle my stomach at any time. I drank flat gingerale (carbonated would give me heartburn). I also ate those heartshaped Sha-Sha ginger snaps by the bucketful (small bags are at grocery stores, but the buckets are at Costco for the same price). I tried Diclectin and it didn`t really help. Generally, saltine crackers worked but I swelled up like crazy from salt so had to watch that. Before you know it, it`ll all be over and you`ll have a healthy baby in your arms. Good luck!
I used the motion/sea sickness bands on my wrists – I didn’t think it would work – but it did! Worth a try…….good luck
Homeopathy is wonderful during pregnancy – natural and drug free, it can relieve many of the symptoms you discuss. It can also help with labour and delivery!
Oh, ACK woman! You poor thing!! I didn’t have extreme nausea, but in the early months when I was feeling crappy and tired and on the verge of puking, I just nibbled all day long. I found the moment I stopped chewing, I started to get that barfy feeling again. Crackers of all varieties… even nuts and seeds seemed to help. Hang in there, lady… the prize at the end is so sweet!!
So sorry you’re going through this, Sarah. i went through intense vomiting and nausea with all 3 pregnancies, and only people who’ve gone through it understand the suffering. it prevented me from actually enjoying any of my pregnancies. i took diclectin 3 times and it helped in a very minute way. i wish i could be of more help but nothing really helped me with this. all i can say is that the minute the baby was out you’ll feel normal again.
LAURA!! That sounds beyond awful.
Sara & Ali- I only wish I could take diclectin but it makes me so tired that I can’t drive. And I have to drive to get to and from work. So I’m stuck trying to find alternate ways to deal.
Teresa- I’m right there with you!! I’ve gained 10 lbs thus far…
Desi- I’m going to try B12!
I’m just began my second trimester and doing much better. But during my first trimester i was so sick to my stomach. I only threw up 3 time but felt like i was going to all day everyday. But i did figure that as long as i ate which was hard i felt ok. So i was consisting eating something bread, green apples, etc. but doing that i gain like 14bls. LOL!! I feel ya girl I hope you find something that works and that this feeling goes away soon.
I had hyperemesis for my 3 pregnancies. I literally threw up 10-15 times a day from weeks 6-24. I could keep no food down and had to be hospitalized. Bad, I know, but honestly, I think the constant nausea would be just as debilitating. At least I had relief after I threw up! I think it would be terrible to feel sick but not throw up. So anyways, here’s my $.02.
Diclectin didn’t work for me. I took 8 a day, and all it did was put me to sleep (although, I didn’t puke when I was sleeping, so maybe it worked?). Anyways, it made it nearly impossible for me to function and care for my other kids.
Zofran is a drug they gave me in the hospital. It’s used for chemo patients. Worked beautifully, but at the time (2003) it was not approved for use in pregnancy so my insurance wouldn’t cover it and we couldn’t afford the $60 per day to have it at home. My doctor now tells me it is covered. At the time, I used…
Gravol. Yes, good old gravol literally saved me, and allowed me to somewhat function and care for my two kids. While it has never been ‘proven’ to be safe in pregnancy, it has been used for 60 years and my midwives gave me the thumbs up on that one. They even gave it to me via IV every other day at the hospital outpatient clinic, so it’s okay (even though your doc or OB will probably say it’s not)
Accupuncture and moxibustion had a slight effect on me. It made me feel okay for about 6 hours afterwards. I was extreme though (could keep no food or water down) so maybe it will last longer for you.
Now that I’ve written that and re-lived those three pregnancies I am getting anxious, as I have an appt on Thursday to have my IUD taken out as we will be trying to have baby #4. Bring on the Zofran…
I barfed all day with both of my kids, and then had ridiculous heartburn all night, and had that horrible distracting nausea in all the times in between. While I was working a crazy 80 hour a week publishing job. Anyway, I couldn’t take diclectin because I couldn’t swallow pills of any kind without throwing them right back up again. I tried. Vitamin B12 suckers saved me at work (I bought my stash at Shoppers), as did not eating anything until at least 11am, and nothing any later than 8pm. In that 9 hours I ate a VOLUME, though – with as much protein as possible to keep the hungries away. My kids were huge. Whole communities could shade themselves under my abdominal porch. Blech. I hope you’re through the worst of it soon!
Ali is dead on. Diclectin saved me. I would be driving down bay street barfing in a bag at 5 pm. I would get off the streetcar to barf at 10am. It was all day everyday and lasted till I took the diclectin. GET IT!!!
I didn’t do any vomiting while pregnant (thank god) but I did feel sick and gross kind of through the first few months. I did A LOT of making sure my stomach never got empty by eating a lot of crackers and bread…and that seemed to help.
Has your doctor not given you diclectin? It’s supposed to be amazing for the real sickies.