So I’m in week 6 of my Running Room Learn to Run Clinic. At first, I joined only upon the serious goading of a friend, and absolutely loathed the first few sessions. But now that we are continuing to build, I am really enjoying the runs and find myself looking forward to them even!
I love to go on the group runs…I find going out with a large group is very motivating. There are pacers who keep us all pumped up, and I don’t feel like a loser shuffling along at my slow pace all by myself. There are many in the group who are faster than me, but there are some slower ones too. We all commiserate with each other and we end each run with a cheer and high fives all around. It’s great!
My friend and I have already promised each other that after this clinic is over, we’re going to up the ante and join the 5k class next. And after that? Who knows…maybe we’ll join the 10k clinic!
So I’m just getting started now, but I can see this becoming a part of my life that I do not just because I know it’s good for me, but because I actually really enjoy it, too.
Awesome! I love the fact that running has a social aspect. Enjoy and hope to see you in Disney.