You know, I have this reputation as somewhat of a hippie, new-age, tree-hugger type, and to a certain extent that’s true. But that doesn’t mean that I live on a commune with no technology and draw my water from a well every day, either.
Obviously, in addition to being a hippie, new-age, tree-hugger, I’m also a technophile. I mean, how many other women of my generation and inclinations are computer-literate bloggers, too (wait, don’t answer that!)
Anyway, I love technology when it serves a valuable purpose. And the way I see it, many technologies of the 21st century are exceptionally good at promoting dialogue and bringing diverse people closer together, and that can only be a good thing.
Which is why I have an iPod Touch, and also why I want to tell you about my favourite app, Wise Quotes. As Wise Quotes creator Xuwei Liang describes it:
You heard of IQ improvement apps, reaction improvement apps. Well, this app improves your WISDOM by randomly displaying wise “gem-quotes” from some of the best thinkers in history. With a collection of more than 350 wise quotes to start with, this app will surely further your wisdom to a new level !
Last week I downloaded this gem, and I’ve been delighted with it. It’s a simple collection of quotes from some of the world’s best thinkers, and I love it! Tune in tomorrow for my new Wednesday Affirmation, taken directly from Wise Quotes.
I’m not much of a techno wiz. I do have a blackberry but haven’t downloaded any new applications. Is it simple to do? I really enjoy your weekly affirmations, so it’s seems worth the effort to figure out how receive Xuwei Liang’s Wise Quotes.