If you come closer, I will tell you a secret. Closer. A little closer.
There is nothing more important to me than these:
They are flushable wipes. And I couldn’t go anywhere without them…which is why I have them in my car, in my purse, in my bathroom, in my bedroom, in the kids’ rooms. EVERYWHERE.
I use them for dusting.
I use them for getting those horrific deodorant marks off of ALL of my shirts.
I use them to get scuffs off my shoes.
I use them to take off my makeup sometimes.
I use them to get crayon off my walls.
I use them to clean my keyboard.
Heck, I even use them to clean my car upholstery.
What about you? Are you a crazy wipe user like I am?
YES! I am always wiping down my car with baby wipes when I’m waiting in my car for some reason. an arms reach radius around the drivers seat is sparkly! The rest, however…well, the rest is filled with a four year old, a three year old and a seven month old. I think you get the picture 🙂