My 6th oldest turned 5 today and in the past 5 years, he has survived:
* 5 older sisters and brothers who have attempted to use him as their scapegoat when they have been in trouble.
* Newborn twins who have taken over his throne as King.
* A father whose idea of bonding is talking business.
* Five older siblings who make him go down to the basement with them because he is the only one who isn’t afraid.
* And me the wacky mom who uses him as material in her attempt to make people laugh.
His rewards for surviving five years in this family are great.
Today, he will be showered with Batman toys, Batman dvd’s, Batman running shoes, Batman lunch box, Batman books, Batman cake, and anything else Batman we can find (please note that this blog post is sponsored by Marvel – see add below LOL.)
Nothing is too good for this birthday boy that’s for sure! But the other day when I suck out of the house to escape the eight beasts perfect children, I started to think ……
What are my rewards for surviving five years with this boy?
After all, I’m the one who had my stomach cut open for the fourth time in order to bring him to this hellish wonderful family. I’m the one who hasn’t slept a full night in years. I’m the one with stretch marks, pre-alcoholism, arthritis in my hips and even more screwed up knees from chasing after him – every day – because it is this boy, who I swear, is actually all of my 6 boys thrown into his tiny body. An alien I’m sure who has been given to me as a test of my sanity patience. He is impulsive, fast, strong, (physically and mentally), never tires, is wickedly funny and would probably be the next poster boy for ADHD if it were not for the fact that he can totally focus and be an angel at school.
So let’s ask ourselves – how difficult has the last 5 years been for him?
He has me to prepare his meals, wipe his butt, clean his clothes, and provide endless entertainment (my God, it sounds like we’re married – even the butt-wiping part – see previous post Hubby comes home to knife). Okay sure, sure I get it – he has had to learn to walk and talk, maneuver around 7 other siblings and work at finding his place in the family. But is this as difficult as raising 8 kids all under the age of 13?
Hell no!
He has though really learned a lot in 5 years. He has learned that being funny will get him far and make him the star of that moment. Making me laugh will pretty much get him anything he wants, and when he being disciplined, if he just hugs me I will stop grumbling and hug him back even harder.
He has learned that blaming his brothers and sisters will get him out of most trouble, and let’s face it, like the majority of his siblings, he’s learned how to manipulate the hell out of me.
And so even though he really is the devil in disquise cutest of the cutest I wish the following five wishes in honor of his special day.
* The wisdom to outsmart his older brother when he tries to con him out of his Pokemon cards by telling him that his, are in fact, not real because they came from Japan.
* To grow taller so his he can outrun his 3 older brothers when he is holding a $2 McDonald’s Happy Meal toy that all of them HAVE to have at the same time, even though Ryley had it first.
* To realize that his sister isn’t telling the truth when she claims Santa will bring him more toys if he is just nice to her by letting her dress him as a girl and pretend to be her sister.
*The ability to deal with me when I can’t understand his need to climb every pillar, pole, tree or fence that is over 8 feet.
*That he never loses his humour or his zest for life.
Happy Birthday big guy!
What about you? Do you have any special wishes for you child?
until next time
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Thanks Alice. Those are wonderful wishes you have for your children and I hope they all come true:)
Thanks Tracey he had a good one!
Happy birthday to your little man!
When I think of wishes, I always think of things that I hope will balance out for them – the wish for them to eventually grow into civilised, responsible humans, but also the wish for them to have joy in their lives.
Happy Birthday, Batman! May you have your happiest year yet, little dude!!