Last night I had a dream where I was sitting at large gathering with friends when the baby’s movements became quite vigorous. It got to the point where I could make out the exact shape of her hand, pushing up under the skin of my belly, when all of a sudden her HEAD burst out from my side. There I was, with a screaming baby head lodged to the left of my navel, and I was only 30 weeks but we somehow got her out, named her Morgan and discovered that she had six toes on each foot. She refused to nurse and instead said “bottle” after I unsuccessfully tried to cork her mouth with my boob.
It was so vivid and left me with a strange feeling, that I will have a preemie with a birth defect and another horrible nursing experience.
I know it was probably just the hormones, and the lack of REM sleep as I was up a few times in the night, but it was so bizarre! I am ready for my normal dreams again: giving a speech to important dignitaries in my skivvies, falling from tall buildings, and having all my teeth break off in my mouth.
Did any of your strange pregnancy dreams actually hold any relevance? Were they “signs” of things that actually happened? Or just whacked-out mind trips that made you shake your head with confusion in the morning?
Oh, that one is so clearly just a dream that plays out all your worst fears in one little scene… It is just a dream, your mind’s way of dealing with your hopes, ambitions, and in this case, your fears. Even when it is a horrible dream enjoy the fact that if you are dreaming it means you are asleep!!
With my last pregnancy, I had one that had a lot of relevance. After being told that we were having another little girl, I had the same dream for over a week, every single night. It was the cliche wrong gender dream. It was so real and persistent that I finally had another ultrasound scheduled. Lo and behold, 5 weeks before I was due I found out that she was most definitely a he!! That’s the only dream that has held any form of truth to it in all 3 of my pregnancies though!
AHHHH!!! That is the creepiest dream I’ve ever heard!!!
I had a few baby-related pregnancy dreams throughout the years… the worst one was how the baby aged so quickly in the hospital, that by the evening (he/she was born in the morning) she was walking around my bed in the hospital talking to me and asking how I was feeling. Odd.
I also have lots of pregnant dreams about sex. Hah.
I just had a dream that my baby was born with THREE EYES… they were beautiful, big, and blue, but there were three of them. So creepy. And then he opened his mouth and had a mouth full of pointy teeth! I was not about to nurse with those shark teeth, so, naturally, we gave him red peppers.
I still have a feeling my baby will have 3 eyes.. So. Strange.
My pregnant dreams were mostly all about sex.
i loved my pregnancy dreams! they were so vivid and awesome. the best part was that i could realize i was dreaming and keep going anyway. now when i realize that i wake up…bummer.
i don’t believe dreams are tellers of things to come, just whacked out mind trips!