Guys – a quick entry here – I need your help.
Do you have any tips for giving kids medicine? Usually Will slurps it back with no issue.
This morning we were battling for two hours. I finally shoved the Tylenol down his throat but no such luck with the antibiotics for his ear infection. He barfed up all his breakfast and now I’m worried because he’s not getting the meds!!!
Why don’t they make antibiotics as suppositories? I know that may sound crass – but honest to god – it would be SO much easier!!!!!!!!!
Any advice would be awesome – please, I’m having an anxiety attack just thinking about the next round!
I want this kid back – please….
(oh and then go tell me your #1 motherhood pet peeve…giving medicine could now be mine).
You may have not intended to do so, but I think you have managed to express the state of mind that a lot of people are in. The sense of wanting to help, but not knowing how or where, is something a lot of us are going through.
I used to have to take medicine every day when I was little (I had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis) and the medicine was in pill form and I was no good at swallowing them. I remember my parents would grind up the pills and mix them in with a spoon full of jam. Worked for me!!! Some pills are not meant to be crushed up though so just make sure this is an okay method…
I have mixed mine with chocolate syrup. Just measure the dose in the little cup and add chocolate syrup. Most of my tight lipped anti-meds kids liked being in charge of the little syringe themselves and squirting it down…made them feel empowered perhaps even though they really didn’t want the gross stuff.
so tough- i can’t add anything to the list above. Good luck. Remember my mantra “this too shall pass”
and oh yeah- for a smart girl – what is with the white rug?
Chocolate milk and the promise of something special once it is down. Good luck, mama!
yup, our pharmacy has about 20 different flavours. i bribe as well but mine are older now so it’s just a “suck it up” sort of thing.
Thanks SO much for your comments everyone….and god LOVE a pharmacist and a mom writing in. Thanks!! I’m going to give the chocolate milk a shot….thanks for all the advice guys.
Hi Sara, as a pharmacist and mom, here are a few suggestions (besides bribery, which may or may not work!): Mix the med in a small amount of liquid or semi-solid – chocolate milk, orange juice, yogurt and applesauce work particularly well – the smallest amount possible though, to ensure it is all drank/eaten.
Immediately follow the medicine with something sweet, salty – whatever his favorite is.
Also, most medicines are best when they are at their coldest. If it is labelled for refrigeration, don’t take it out of the fridge until immediately before giving it to him. Many medicines that don’t HAVE to be refrigerated often CAN be refrigerated (Tylenol, etc.). The exception to this one would be anything that is specifically labelled “Do Not Refrigerate” – these will actually taste worse if refrigerated.
Finally (unfortunately, this will not help you right now), watch out for and ask for specific flavors. Many over the counter and prescription liquids are available in more than one flavor so if he loves grape but hates “fruit”, buy/ask for grape. Also, many pharmacy chains now offer specialty flavoring, so if a medicine is only available in one flavor, they can customize it for you (often for a small charge, but it is well worth it). I use this for my own daughter’s Claritin – only available in “fruit” but I get it switched to bubblegum – she still doesn’t love it, but at least she will take it!
Bribery…smarties worked for us, or other treats
My 9-year-old still makes a big production when she has to take medication. Good luck Sarah there are many tricks you can try but our kids are pretty smart and often see through our disguises!
I’m not sure if he’s at the age where he appreciates bribes yet but we used to bribe the girls with something they’re not normally allowed if they took it. We also have hidden it in pudding (very small amount), a smidge of flavorful beverage. Just double check with the pharmacist if you’re hiding it in something….we had a friend who let us know that one of the meds would be ineffective if we mixed it with yoghurt. Can’t remember what but that’s when we started the bribing technique. Sydney was a true puker and the only thing that worked for her was a bribe.
yep, you can hide it in stuff, or shoot it into the back of their throat with a syringe and follow with something small like a cracker to eat.
I won’t be earning any awards for this suggestion: we bribe Asher with M&Ms.
I would put it in a small amount of juice because my kids barf it up all the time. Have to say eye drops are the hardest thing over here…Dr said to roll them up in a blanket like a burrito and then hold them down!! Oh so lovely….hope Will feels better soon.
we hide it in his milk – depending on the flavor you can add it to Pop (not what I normally give him, but hell if it gets the meds down, I’d go for it) or chocolate milk