new couple alert!! Orlando Bloom has been secretly dating Victoria’s Secret model Miranda Kerr. What do you think? Hot? or not?
Speaking of hot…balding or not…Jude Law is still SMOKING. also…that tattoo he’s sporting isn’t permanent…it’s for his role in the film adaptation of Eric Garcia’s Repossession Mambo.
Congrats to Mary-Lousie Parker and Jeffrey Dean Morgan on their recent engagement! I’m so happy for her. I was a huge fan of both her and Billy Crudup and was sorry that he was such an ass when he left her for Claire Danes when Mary-Louise was 7 months pregnant with their son. She has hit the jackpot with her co-star on Weeds, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who is best known as Denny on Grey’s Anatomy.
Christina Aguilera joins many other celebrity women by revealing that she opted for a c-section because she was afraid of vaginal tearing. She told Hello Magazine: "I didn’t want any surprises. Honestly, I didn’t want any [vaginal] tearing. I had heard horror stories of women going in and having to have an emergency C-section [anyway]. The hardest part was deciding on his birthday. I wanted to leave it up to fate, but at the same time I was ready to be done early!"
here she is with her new baby, Max Liron.
Argh. When will some cool celeb mom come out and say, “I had my baby at home in the organic natural pool in our back garden with nothing but the moonlight and our midwife…” Honestly! Babies have become just one more commodity in Hollywood. First it was the teacup dogs, now the hottest new accessory is a baby, and the latest plastic surgery is a c-section. GAWD.
you know i have had an episiotomy and my hoo-hah tore with my second child big deal it still works down there…
Okay, she didn’t want any vaginal tearing, but she doesn’t mind an 8-10 inch scar on her belly?!? What are people more apt to see? Wait a second, it’s Christina Aguilera, don’t answer that.
No offence to anyone with a scheduled C-section but what’s with this “vaginal tearing” thing?! Isn’t it clear that childbirth is what that thing is for?? Just like anywhere else on your body, doctors can treat a booboo. For the vast majority of women this is a non-issue with far fewer risks than a c-section which is major abdominal surgery. Is she preserving her breasts too? Wow. Vanity can really alter your perspective.