i was all set to write you a great little post about Minnie Driver announcing her pregnancy, about Halle Berry having a baby girl, and about the Lost Boys sequel…
oh yes, folks, it’s true…this Is Corey Feldman…
but i got slightly distracted today.
you see…it has just come to my attention that in addition to the other random things Lindsay Lohan manages to blow her money on….she spends $70,000 a year on TANNING.
this girl.
i so wish that this wasn’t true.
Lindsay is queen of the Hollywood tanorexics. the very worst abuser of fake tanner. ever.
the girl is orange. also, erm, it kind of looks like she has a mustache in this shot.
i almost feel bad for her. almost.
but then i take a look at pictures like these.
and all i can do is laugh.
(and figure out, in my head, about 450 better ways to spend $70,000 a year…)
I totally don’t get the Lindsay Lohan thing. She is not beautiful. She is not talented. All she is, is skinny and famous. I don’t get it.
bad. just bad.