Hi there. I’m Lisa, and I’m looking forward to being your virtual Mom. Let’s face it – being a Mom can be a real challenge, so whatever we can do to be prepared is a good thing. And preparation is what I want to talk today, because “be prepared” isn’t just for Brownies anymore! As Moms, we usually can’t afford to get sick, so staying healthy (and keeping our families healthy, too) is very important. Now, we all know we need to wash our hands regularly (Mom really does know best, doesn’t she?), but what else can we do to prevent the spread of illness in our families?
The first and best defense is to keep the germs in your house to a minimum, and that means keeping the “high touch” surfaces of your house not only clean, but disinfected. High touch surfaces include things like doorknobs, counters and faucets, among others (in my house the TV remote is a big one, too!). Now, sure, you can go out and buy those expensive anti-bacterial wipes, but I’m here to tell you that’s not necessary. Let me show you how you can help keep yourself and your family healthy without spending a lot of money or spreading harsh chemicals all over the high touch surfaces in your home.
Enter my secret weapon: vinegar. I love vinegar so much I even carry a mini-bottle of it around with me when I’m out! And it’s not just for dressing salads with: did you know there are over two dozen ways to use vinegar that don’t involve eating at all? Well, stick with me, kid, and I’ll teach you all of them. But today we’re going to start with a single (but important) use. Disinfecting.
Yes, it’s true: you can use vinegar to clean your high touch surfaces, and to prevent the growth of bacteria. First of all, clean your kitchen and bathroom counters and faucets (and doorknobs, etc.) by spraying with a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water, with 1 teaspoon of salt (mix all ingredients together in a spray bottle, and swish to dissolve the salt). Wipe it off, and once it’s dry wipe it down again with distilled white vinegar. This will prevent the spread of bacteria on those high touch surfaces, which will help keep your family healthy. It’ll also help reduce the amount of harsh cleaning chemicals your loved ones are exposed to, while keeping your wallet healthier, too. You can stock up on bulk-sized bottles of white vinegar for only a few dollars, making this cleaning tip a pennies per use solution, versus the big brand cleaning wipes which can cost close to a dollar per individual wipe. Now that’s what I call smart.
So make sure you head out now and stock up on some white vinegar – I guarantee you’re going to be using it!
One of our big purchases at Costco! We also use it mixed with water to clean windows and that way the kids can help clean the windows and I don’t have to worry about their exposure to the chemicals. Love vinegar!
Great idea! And a really good point about avoiding harsh chemicals.