Last month we featured the beautiful Mom-Shell collection in the Marketplace, and now we’re thrilled to be able to bring you an exclusive giveaway: you could win a Mom-Shell of your very own!
this style is the Gwenyth, from offspring 2009 collection:
Mom-Shells were conceived by a mom who cares about how she looks, and wanted to be able to nurse comfortably in the presence of others. To enter, please add a comment below with your best ‘nursing in public’ story. It could be funny, heartwarming, embarrassing…you decide!
Remember, only members are eligible to win, so sign in before you comment. Not an member? Join now, it’s easy and free.
We were recently at a wedding and my 3 month got hungry so I fed her. She can be quite noisy while eating and this day it was really noticeable. There was lots of slurping and sucking noises that just seemed to echo throughout the church. And of course a burp at the end!:)
Right after I had my first child I was at my sister in laws and sitting on the couch nursing her under a blanket. I will never forget the shade of red on my preteen nephew’s face when he walked in the room and unexpectedly pulled down the blanket while saying, “I can’t wait to see her,” not knowing I was feeding her. From that time on he always asked if it was safe to look at the baby.
When I was nursing, I remember sitting on my neighbour’s porch and chatting…my neighbour’s sister came out and sat with us. She quickly noticed that I was breasfeeding my daughter and that I had not covered up. She screamed out: “Ewwwwwwwww, that’s disgusting!!! You should be ashamed of yourself!”. I must say, I have never heard anyone ever react in this way. I was shocked and became very defensive. There is absolutely nothing wrong or disgusting about breastfeeding your child….anywhere…or at anytime. I breastfed my daughter until she was almost 3 years old and I am proud of that fact.
With 4 children and so many outside-of-the-house activities, I need to nurse my youngest wherever we are – like hiding in an empty aisle at the local grocery store (in the clothing section), school assemblies in really hot gyms, and even weddings.
Recently, at a very serious muslim wedding ceremony, my son – who should have been sleeping, woke up and began to fuss. I was wearing a halter dress which meant easy access to feed but I did not think that it was appropriate to do so during the ceremony. I tried really hard to keep him happy but nothing was working – I also did not have a shall to cover myself with – and I was sitting far from the exit. I knew I was turning red and starting to sweat and just when I thought both he and I were going to lose it, my brother’s fiance whipped her shall off of her and right around me. We must have a psychic connection because as she was doing that, I was putting him into “position” and he was eating just as the shall came down to cover him. Whew!
At one point, the shawl did slip and the baby unlatched to look around…I was too embarrassed to look up to see if anyone had been sprayed…
We have a health clinic located in one of the busiest malls in my city. My son was about a month old at the time and we were waiting to see the doctor about his Thrush issue.
Well, there was only one seat available in the entire waiting area and it faced the main entance to the mall. I figured that it wouldn’t be such a issue to cover up my son and feed him, but it was my first time ever feeding in public and I was a little leary of people staring and the method of which to do it.
Everything was going fine until my little guy got fussy (on account of his sore mouth) and pulled off the cover in a fit. It would happen, of course, that at that exact moment a group of twelve/thirteen year old boys walks by the clinic. What made it even more akward (or funny, depending on who you are talking to) is that one of the boys in the group was staring right at me, and seeing what was probably his first real breast, took a tumble, landed flat on his face and took the rest of the group down with him!
My son is four months old now and I have finally perfected feeding discreetly in public, but I still try to avoid feeding in the areas that pre-teen boys tend to flock.
I don’t really care to nurse in public, but when my son is hungry, I’m not going to starve him. One time we were in Niagra Falls at Marine Land and decided to go to the falls after, I put him in my sling and was nursing him while walking down Cliffton Hill, it was packed and all I could think about was every old man I walked by was trying to look down at me. My son hates to be covered while he is eating so I was trying to be as discreate as possible, would be excellent to get a Mom-shell, wouldn’t feel as many eyes on me.
Nursing in public is always an akward situation. It is always a worry that the blanket tossed over my shoulder would always fall down.
I was recently crossing the border into the US for a day trip of shopping. The border guard noticed my 4 month old with me and questionned how I was possibly going to shop with a little one to care for. I told him that he was a good shopper and in any case, had to come with me as he was still breastfed. The guard acted surprised and asked where I planned to nurse my baby. I told him I would sneak into a changeroom and nurse discreetly. He was relieved and said that while he was not against breastfeeding ( he had heard the health benefits for baby), he sure did not want to see that kind of behaviour in public! I feel Canadians are very accepting and supportive of breastfeeding.
I am proud to nurse my baby and do frequently nurse in public, I must say I would feel very classy and cool wearing a Mom-Shell!
There is nothing more heartwarming (sense the sarcasm oozing) than nursing your second child at the park… and having “that” kid come over, remove the covering blanket and say (loudly) “what are THOSE things? They are HUGE!”. Just makes you all warm and fuzzy inside.
My son is 6 months now and when he is full like to kind of play with nipples. Last week I went to shopping and he started to fuss while I was in a store. Having no choice I took him to try room to nursing him. While nursing I did not realized as the door was not locked and a little girl was peeking inside. Out of habit my son started to pull on my nipples. When the little girl saw this she started yelling, mommy! mommy! look, look! poor mommy has small clothes and baby is biting her boobs. By the time I realized whats going on, all the staff and customers were there watching the show.
This momshell wrap is awesome. Would love to win.
My story is that my breasts are huge and it is very difficult to hide them!
While we were out shopping, I had my 2 month old in a trekker carrier and my active toddler in the stroller. My 2 month old decided he was hungry. Although the trekker is a great carrier, it is very cumbersome to get get on and off, so I decide to attempt nursing my baby while he was in the carrier. It wasn’t too bad until my toddler got tired of staying in one place and start to fuss and trying to get out of his seat. Needless to say, walking and pushing a stroller, and trying to keep baby in position for nursing as well a trying to keep me and baby covered was one of the harder things I’ve ever tried. The mom-shell would have been a great modesty saver then.
Now that my baby is older and much more fidgety while nursing, I can see the mom-shell being a great cover for when we are out and about.
I was out shopping with my husband one day and my son needed to eat… he was getting really fussy and acting like I was starving him… so I went in to the washroom of a large store to try to nurse him,,, that day it seemed that the washroom was very busy every time he would go to try to eat someone would flush,,, and it was so loud it scared him by the third flush in a very short time he started to scream, so I ended up taking him out the the parking lot and feeding him in the car.
and it is soo true about other wraps and covers being pulled off and up… they dont’ really cover much when the baby decides to play with it when eating..
As a mom to 5 breastfed babies, I have had plenty of flashing moments – baby pulling off the blanket, older child pulling it away to play peek-a-boo… But I think my favourite nursing moments were with my third ‘surprise’ baby. My best friend and I, sitting in the ski lodge and nursing our babies while our older kids were taking lessons together. Lots of bonding that winter!
I am now a mom of five, three boys, two girls. the baby is 6 months old and she gets carted everywhere. I spend most of my after school and weekend time bouncing from rink to rink, with three boys in hockey, it is hard not too. babe #5 is always getting fed on the run! This would be a wonderful item to add to my wardrobe. the nice thing about nursing #5 is that all my children think breast feeding is natural and normal. soo glad they have those views, I was not sure what the older boys would think, but to them, that is all they have ever known.
I am very new to nursing & have no funny stories but would love to win this wrap, as nothing I have tried actually covers
My daughter is now 8.5 months old and loves to pull the nursing blanket away from her head…..I can’t tell you how many times I’ve flashed people while ‘trying’ to discreetly nurse while out and about. A nursing top like this one would hopefully help. Would love to win it.
Kailey my youngest daughter nursed till she was 2 1/2.. bein able to talk she was quite vocal about when she was hungry for “boe-boe” We were standing in a bank line up, on one of thier busiest days when she announced she wanted “boe boe”, I said you will have to wait cause I dont want to lose my spot, she kept insisting, each time in a whiner louder voice. I felt awful, so I lifted her up cradled her in my arms,tucked her in my jacket and let her have her feed! People were lookin at me like I was a nut, but I didnt care. My daughter was hungry!
My most funniset moments on breastfeeding was:
I had left my 2 children with my mom and dad overnight and proceeded to go out. I got back later then expected the next day. I had no pump so my breasts were totally engorged. I popped one of them out to start feeding my son and end some of my discomfort. My milk shot across the room and hit my sister-in law in the forehead. She didn’t think it was to funny at the time. But now we laugh about it. She still tells people to watch out for my guns
[I don’t have children but I have a niece and a nephew and another one of the way so I’ll relay a story about one time..]
My niece was a month old and my sister needed to feed her in the women’s bathroom at costco. My nephew had to pee so I made him go in the womens washroom.
He crawled under the stall to my sister as she fed my niece and stared yelling, “Boobs boobs boobs!” his voice echoed. Women washing their hands started to giggled.
After the little misadventure was finished and I got him out we went back to my parents about 50 feet away in the store and they asked me what had gone on. … They heard him CLEAR as a bell screaming “Boobs”. The entire area of that store had heard and when we told my sister her face turned beet red.
It would be nice to win this for her and jokingly remind her of the Costco Boob fiasco ^.^
My daughter was about 6 weeks old and we were having her baptised when she started to fuss. We were in the Church with other familys so I went to one of the back pews to nurse her, when the Church Decon come up from the back and said, how beautiful to see a mom in the house of the lord giving her daughter the precious gift of life… It made me smile due to the double meaning.
I was pregnant with my second son and wanted my 2 1/2 yr old to see breastfeeding so he would know what to expect. We were at a good firends and she was feeding her newborn and I was sitting with them chatting and explained it to my son and he said “Mom that baby is chewing on her boobie!”
Out of the mouths of babes!
This is awesome! Something you can wear/be stylish in and nurse privately! I would love to get one 🙂
No matter where I nurse in public my 8 month old seems to feel the need to pull the blanket covering us up down towards her feet. Between that and my 2 and a half year old daughter trying to sit on the baby’s head I’m sure we’ve had an audience more than once!
Ever since my son was 2 days old we’ve taken him to our favourite coffee place. It’s a tiny little cafe that has the best organic coffee/snacks/lunches. We went there regularly before he was born and have gone regularly since. It is one of the few places I have always felt comfortable nursing.
So, there we were, I was nursing my son and my hubby was with us. I thought I was doing pretty good at keeping this “under wraps” and private. I had positioned myself so that my back was to the main part of the cafe and I hadn’t covered my son’s head up – he’s never been a fan – but I was shielding the side few from other coffee drinkers.
Well, turns out I was facing the spot where they keep the milk/sugar/honey and because you stand there anyone who needed milk/sugar/honey was getting a bird’s eye few of my son’s lunch! So much for keeping it private – the look on my hubby’s face was priceless when he came to the same realization seconds after I did. (I’ve since learned to sit anywhere but there to nurse!!)
Before my daughter was born I often said that I was not going to nurse in public. But one day when she was about 5 months old, my husband and I took her strawberry picking. We were longer than we thought we’d be, and she started to get hungry. I had no choice but to nurse her in the middle of the strawberry field, with several dozen other strawberry pickers around us! I even managed to continue picking strawberries while she nursed!!
would love to win it
would love to win it
My daughter thinks I’m an exhibitionist!
No matter where I nurse her or what nursing cover up I use, she wants me to flash anyone around. She constantly tears away the cover up. I’m hoping to win this one, as it looks comfy and one that I can still keep covered up with.
I was the nursing room in Sears and there was another mom in there too. And we were both tending to our kiddies, observing the unwritten rule, (much like riding in elevators), where you go about your business pretending like the other person isn’t there.
I finished nursing about 5 minutes after the other mom and she turned to me and said, “Would your son like one?” She was reaching out and offering me a Kitkat. She went on to say, “My daughter always has one after nursing. She absolutely loves them.”
Oh yeah, by the way, her daughter was nine months old.