I slept for three hours last night. And the night before that, too.

It feels like I am wading through waist-high molasses, trying to stay on top of the tasks and demands at hand, but the sludge of sleep deprivation hinders my every move.
I knew having three kids this close in age would be hard, but some days it feels like I will forever be stranded in this purgatory of poop-smeared diapers, fierce tantrums, and desperate tiredness.
One look at my eldest daughter, however, as she nears her fifth birthday, and I have a walking, breathing reminder of how fast it all truly goes. Her lithe, long legs, her ridiculous vocabulary and sense of humour, her grasp on the world as she knows it: all these things remind me that I won’t be in this stage forever and I just might even miss it someday.
Not today, but someday.
I hear you! With only two kids, the last couple of months have been hell on wheels with sick parents, sick children, craziness at work… Anybody got a pillow and a child restraint so I can have a nap?
I don’t know how you do it. I feel the same as you and yet generally get a solid 6 hours of sleep (not the last two nights but my baby is sick). It is hard to cherish the moments sometimes isn’t it? Good for you for at least recognizing that and trying but it is okay to wallow in our tiredness too.
I remember! So well said- I wish you good sleep tonight
This is so true!
I’m in it.
I know I will miss it.
But still, I won’t miss TODAY.
Yesterday was a good day, I think I will miss YESTERDAY.
Three is the new Eight. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.
Hang in there!
I know how lack of sleep feels and can understand how s-l-o-w you must feel! Hopefully your husband can give you a little respite on the weekend and help spread out the sleep deprivation and share the REM sleep between the two of you.
After I get off night shifts I usually feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. Staying up and working all night is no treat to my body and I end up feeling physical pain from the sleep deprivation. When I push myself to actually get dressed and head outside, I always feel better, even if it is just for a short minute. Either that or I end up parenting while laying down, ‘lets read more books on mummy’s bed!’ or if it is really bad, ‘let’s go have a bubble bath together’.