A little while ago, Fiona & Sophie decided that they do not like boys, even Daddy, except when he gives them shoulder rides, then he’s OK. Fortunately, he gives a lot of shoulder rides.
Other boys, no matter what their function, do not cut the mustard.
This blatant sexism phase didn’t cause too much of a stir until……
Briana the swimming instructor was replaced by The Prince of Darkness a boy.
Fiona & Sophie clung to my legs, wouldn’t speak, or even look at him. We cajoled, we dipped them in the water near him, we even resorted to bribery (ice cream if they went in), all to no avail. They refused to get in the water with poor Curtis (who was a perfectly nice young man).
Just to be clear, John has to drive the girls 45 minutes to swimming lessons. I work in the same town so I meet them there, yup, we have two cars traveling a total of 1.5 hours each on Tuesdays.
Ah well, I’m sure they’ll be liking boys too much for our tastes soon enough. I’m sure it’s just a phase. And I hope that saying “me don’t” is a phase too (they know it’s I).
Here is a photo of them swimming when Briana was there.
Eva did the same last year with her swimming instructor. Poor Jake – it was his first time teaching little kids.
And she’s doing the same baby talking. It’s driving me insane. Tony Hawk may have to report her to Santa for that!