At the end of last season’s Grey’s Anatomy, back when George was almost dead AND Izzie was almost dead and it was becoming clear that ONE of them was going to die and one of them was going to live, because, you know that that’s the thing about shows like Grey’s, there’s a certain predictability factor. And one of them was going to die, even though in real life, they would both be dead.
My husband made me a promise that if Izzie Stevens didn’t die that I’d stop watching the show. and, like a fool, I agreed. Of course she wasn’t going to die.
and of course, when the season premiere aired, I was still watching the show. BUT, it was because of one very important reason…it seems like Izzie Stevens’ Katherine Heigl’s days on Grey’s Anatomy might be numbered. She’s persona non grata this season, after, you know, getting FIRED from Seattle Grace. ABC is calling her leave of absence “maternity leave” so she can take off some time with her husband Josh Kelley and her newly adopted daughter, Naleigh.
But we all know the truth. ABC is just as sick of Izzie Stevens as we are.
I still begrudgingly watch. I’m not quite sure why. I’m giving it til after Christmas to pick up or it is getting the boot from the DVR!!