Although the March Break is only a week, as opposed to summer break, there is still a lot of planning and preparation I need to do, and seeing as I only have about four days I really must get my ass in gear and get moving!
Here are some things I need to do and get done before Friday:
Clean out the basement play room (again) so that they can make it a mess again during the break.
Refill my valium prescription – oh wait I don’t have one.
Go to Doctor and get Valium prescription.
Stock up on Wildberry Voldka Coolers.
Purchase new rolls of Duct tape (hello kitty is cool).
Pray to Mother Nature that she provide warm dry weather so I can send my children outside to play. For the whole day.
Call the reno guys and have them build a padded room for the twins Thatcher and Tanner.
On second thought I think I will have the padded room built for me and have a bar included.
Now I am sure all you Earth muffin type moms are gasping and pointing fingers at me, well don’t bother. I already know I should be happy to spend so much time with my kiddies, and I am. Most of the time. Its just those times when my children with mood disorders are freaking out, twins are having meltdowns, and everyone else is fighting that I don’t like.
Most families plan all these exciting things to do over the break, and I know this because my children are very quick to point out how Suzie is going to Great Wolf Lodge, or Michael is going to Disney World, and gee golly why can’t we?
Two words kiddies:
Eight Children!
I do however have some things planned. My oldest daughter is working at the gym club at their gymnastics camp, so the two middle children are going to attend. As for the others, I will schedule some things, such as mini golf, movies, bowling etc..
Crap. Now I need to add another thing to my to do list.
Dig out the money tree in the backyard to pay for March Break activities!
What does your family have planned for march break?
Until next time,
Well, I have to work….so both my girls will be in Dance camp (there choice) for March Break and it includes a swimming lesson for the whole week, so I get to kill two birds with one stone.
I hear ya about the money tree, mine is a little sparse….lol! Good luck with March Break Chantal!
Nicole :O)
mooching off of my parents 🙂
amen to disney, tho’…my brother has 4 kids and only recently took them all down after finding a ridiculous deal. it’s prohibitive with just 2 kids! with the older ones getting, well, older (in my bro’s case anyway) he found it easier and easier. he could focus on the smaller ones.
let me know what kind of fertilizer you use on your money tree….