True story: I don’t cook. Not only do I not really enjoy it, I’m a total disaster in the kitchen. I so routinely screw up grilled cheese that I had to but a tiny George Foreman grill to cook it on and even then it’s a 50/50 chance of getting something edible.
I am INCREDIBLY lucky to have a husband who is a good cook and doesn’t mind doing it. He learned out of necessity because honestly I am more likely to just go hungry at night than actually cook. He cooks AND cleans up the kitchen every night. Lately though he’s been working long hours and I feel the need to help out a little more so he has more time at night to spend with the babies.
So I’m giving this cooking business another try. I’m also attempting to make some recipes that allow for big batches which can be frozen for easy meals later. Here is my first go round.
Chicken Tacos ala Brittany (Barefootfoodie)
1. Boil your chicken.
I will admit that the first time I had a recipe that called for boiled chicken I was confused. It just said boil chicken breast. How long I wondered? How will I know it’s done? Well I still don’t have a certain time I just check periodically to see if the chicken is white all the way through, when it is, I consider it done.
Fact: shredding chicken is a pain in the patoot. I’m currently searching for a tool to make it easier. I end up using a fork or knife to break it into small chunks and then tear with my hands. It’s not efficient and not really fun, hence why making a big batch is preferable.
3. Coat with chili powder and barbecue sauce.
This was another hard part for me since there was no set measurement for how much spice or sauce to use. So I used mild chili powder and just sprinkled it on until all the chicken was covered. I used about 3/4 of a bottle of barbecue sauce, just enough to liberally cover the chicken. I left just enough chicken out for our dinner and put the rest in a freezer safe container using masking tape to label it.
4. Fry your shells.

Its all about practice, lady. Like Gav said, think of the things you like to eat, and find some recipes with uncomplicated steps you think you can replicate.
Everyone was a novice once. And indeed, there are other skills like being tidy and organized that are a wonder to possess… we all have our strengths. And with your husband around, you won’t ever starve either!
Jen – I’d love to give you some super easy recipe ideas. Any requests? What do you guys like when you go out? order in?
Awesome, Jen.
Jen- listen you look about 15 (and I mean this in the best possible way) nobody that young should know how to cook and be super organized at the same time. Give it some time. really being a good cook is nowhere as wonderful as having a great sense of humour or knowing how to throw things out or tidy. honestly give yourself a break! Are you 15? i am jealous