Sometimes when I spend time in the Kindergarten classrooms where I teach some of my classes, I think it is a perfect microcosm of real life.
In this classroom, Annabelle LOVES Jack.
Annabelle is my kind of girl. She makes it known. She is brave, if even a little foolish. Always over the top. Life is short, even for Annabelle.
It is adjacent to the house centre where she would like to fix him all his meals.
In her young way – she has written the letter backwards but in a way it is subliminal– like she is saying “JACK LOVE ANNABELLE”. Like come on Jack. Come to your senses and love me.
they are pretty and heartfelt. Look at my pretty dress!
So. Darn. Cute.
My Girl 7 used to write notes like that to her two best friends. She used to tell me she was going to marry one of them. I would tell her that she couldn’t marry until she was grown, and that was a long way off, so she should see how she felt about that then and if they both felt that way, well, wouldn’t that be lovely.
Who am I to crush a dream?
I think they were mostly lies… I’m a pretty good con artist. 😉
And I say Eva and not the boys because I’m not quite sure that they will be something boys would be interested in…I could be wrong and wouldn’t that be nice. For them to see the kind of men they should be. How to woo a woman.
This is fantastic.
I just found an envelope full of letters Sean and I wrote to each other at the beginning of our relationship. I can’t wait for Eva to read them. She’ll get a glimpse into the start of something pretty special.
good girl. How does a grumble girl write a love letter?
love the poem! thank you for sharing it – just perfect.
Thank you, Nancy. I admired Annabelle, and I remembered being in love in Grade 2! And also, I couldn’t help it, I had to think of this as well (I’ve edited it slightly to make it fit kindergarten a little better):
The Love Feast — W.H. Auden
In an upper room at midnight
See us gathered on behalf
Of love according to the gospel
Of the radio-phonograph.
Lou is telling Anne what Molly
Said to Mark behind her back;
Jack likes Jill who worships George
Who has the hots for Jack.
Willy cannot bear his father,
Lilian is afraid of kids;
The Love that rules the sun and stars
Permits what He forbids.
Adrian’s pleasure-loving dachshund
In a sinner’s lap lies curled;
Drunken absent-minded fingers
Pat a sinless world.
Who is Jenny lying to
In her call, Collect, to Rome?
The Love that made her out of nothing
Tells me to go home.
But that Miss Number in the corner
Playing hard to get. . . .
I am sorry I’m not sorry . . .
Make me chaste, Lord, but not yet.
I was Annabelle. Totally. After 6 years of love note andsuch, I forced Jack to marry me.
Man, would it have ever sucked if he’d been in love with somebody else… *snaps*
Great post, lady! Hee!!