For the first time this season, we have an episode that is not one-person-centric…so there’s lots of movement, lots going on, both in Island world AND in LA sideways world. I’m still not sure I loved this episode, but there were so many loose ends, maybe not completely tied up, but touched upon. But I’m still worried. With only a few precious LOST hours left, there’s too much that still needs to happen.
Sun and Jin. Oh my god. Sun and Jin. While Penny and Desmond are my LOST couple of choice, I love these two and seeing them reunite? Well, it warmed the cockles, for sure, even though it would really make more sense for them to talk in Korean, but I am not really going to get nitpicky here.
Jack looks in the mirror in this episode.
Claire and Kate make peace, which, in the world where jungle Claire doesn’t bathe and has the crazy eyes, it’s nice to see that she no longer wants to stab Kate in the ear. But I still don’t trust Claire…anyone who keeps a boar’s head as a baby still has some ‘splaining to do. Also, I kind of wanted Claire to kill Kate right then and there. Is that bad?
NotLocke admits to posing as Christian. Obviously, it’s what we have assumed for a while, but it’s always nice on this show to get some good, hard answers. BUT…what about when Jack saw Christian in Los Angeles? Dude. Something’s not adding up…
I’m still unsure about Lapidus. What is his role? Why is he there? Surely it can’t just be because he’s a pilot, right? I mean, I operate under the assumption that everything that happens on LOST happens for a reason. (Not to be confused with Whatever Happened…Happened, which now is kind of more like, “Whatever Happened…Happened because of Desmond. Or NotLocke. Or Jacob. Heh) So? What are your thoughts? He also is forced to deliver the very worst line to ever be uttered on LOST, in 6 seasons, “Well, it looks like someone got their voice back” (also, grammatically incorrect).
While Sun is being wheeled into the hospital (further evidence that many of the characters are all going to end up here – while the “other team” will end up at the police station, HT to him) and sees John Locke, she starts yelling, afraid, “No! No! It’s him! It’s him!” The two worlds are coming together, by golly!
Jack jumping off the boat with his revelation that the island isn’t done with them yet seems logical and almost heroic, but I kind of hated that he left Sun and Hurley. Also..he’s WITH NotLocke now? Jack is the Last Recruit? I hope he’s the last recruit for Jacob, aka THE NEW JACOB and not the last recruit for ole Smokey. Also? Jack is a really good swimmer.
I need more Daniel Faraday. NOW.
Im with Avitable. I hid behind my hands because I thought they were going to die right then.
I am now ashamed to admit that I watched the episode TWICE and didn’t even notice it EITHER TIME.
@ Avitable Yes! My hubby was shouting at the TV – “The pylons! They’re going to die!”
it’s true…he’s VERY clever, that man in black. You can’t really believe anything that he says…
I think that NotLocke says whatever he can to sway whomever he is talking to. As to the rest of it…I am pretty much done trying to figure everything out and am now going along for the ride. About the time I think, “oooooohhhh, I get it now”, there is a switch that has me going, “wha?”. I can save the trying to fit the pieces together for when the show is done and I go back to Season 1.
Did anyone else expect Sun and Jin to spontaneously die when they ran to each other across the line of pylons?
I have no idea what’s up with Lapidus either, but he was also part of the best line of this week’s episode – “You, me, Jack, Hurley, Sun, and that pilot who looks like he stepped off the set of a Burt Reynolds movie.” This is Sawyer at his finest.
Something fishy about NotLocke saying he was Christian. I agree that it doesn’t add up.
Now we have to wait 2 weeks…
So I always assumed when Jack saw Christian in LA, it was because he was all looped up on drugs.
BUT, someone pointed out on one of the many recaps I read, what about when Sun and Lapidus saw Christian in the rundown Othertown? And at that time Smokey was on the other island? I think there is more to it. Either that or Smockey was lying to Sawyer when he said he couldn’t go from one island to the other as smoke.
Also, I love Lapidus. They are wasting him as a character. But I did love when Sawyer called him Chesty! HA!