Oh my god. So, it seems that most people were underwhelmed by the reunification of Sun and Jin in the last episode…but I don’t know if anyone – unless you have a cold, black heart – can complain about their Titanic-esque ending. Oh my god. It does, however, beg the question….since “candidates” can’t kill themselves, and Jin did, in fact, kill himself, are we to assume that Sun was the Kwon that was on the list? (some people think that their daughter is actually the Kwon on the list….but I don’t buy that one)
OKAY. time out. Is there a chance that Widmore and NotLocke are working TOGETHER? This way Locke can finally leave the island and Widmore can finally have the island for himself? Maybe?
Also, what does WATER do to NotLocke. It was interesting to me that after Jack pushed him in the water, he came out all gunnery to kill those people and didn’t just turn into the smoke monster. Water definitely has something to do with all of this.
BERNARD! It seems to be that Bernard knows. he knows!
So, Sayid tells Jack he’s THE ONE and tells him where to find Desmond. There is some good in the only mostly-dead Sayid after all! And then he takes one for the team! How is it that I finally come to love Sayid as he’s dying? BUT, this is LOST, and since Sayid wasn’t really actually completely alive, I would not be surprised if he just showed up on the beach. In other words, I’m not buying that the dude is gone.
Time out. Again. Who is everyone on LOST such a great swimmer? I mean, HURLEY swimming to the surface with Kate? WTF?
And Frank Lapidus is gone too. But, um, who is going to fly the plane?
Claire and Jack share a mirror-moment while looking at the music box (not very different from Danielle’s!) that plays the ever-familiar catch a falling star song. What the hell is going on here?
So, I guess Sawyer and Jack are even now. The last time Sawyer listened to Jack, he lost Juliet…so there was no way in hell he was listening to Jack – who was RIGHT – this time, and because of it, Sawyer essentially killed Sun, Jin, Frank, and Sayid. I have tremendous Sawyer hate right this very minute. BOO!
Thoughts on last night’s episode????
are they ever going to explain why Aaron and Walt were so Special?
I am looking forward to seeing how they’re going to finish this show, once and for all. There are still so many questions to be answered.
In this past episode we find out that Locke can fly a plane, so it stands to reason that maybe NotLocke will be flying them out or Jack can do it, since it was mentioned at one time that he took flying lessons.
I think that water affects Smokey too. Remember that at the beginning of the first episode this season, we see the island completely underwater…the foot of the statue was under there.
I am with Gav. I have completely given up on figuring anything out. I am just along for the ride to the end at this point.
I never thought I’d say this but I’m ready for this show to be OVER. It’s become very tediuous to me. I just want everything resolved.
With every passing episode of this show I become more and more certain of one thing, and one thing only….
I need to watch this whole series again becuase I don’t know what the hell is going on any more…
My thoughts? Desmond is still alive, so I’m good. I *knew* Sayid didn’t kill him! I think if Desmond and Penny get to be together in the end, they could kill off everyone else and I’d be ok with it.
As for Jack, of course he’s going to be the winning candidate. Unless the Lost creators really want to throw everyone for a spin. I mean, when you think about it, this ENTIRE show has essentially been about Jack.
And yeah, where in the heck are Ben, Richard, and Miles?
Yes! Where the hell are Ben, Richard and Miles? And WHAT ARE THEY DOING?
The more I think about it, the more I really do think Smocke and Charles are working together.
…and Miles too!
I’m really curious what the hell Ben and Richard are doing during this time. This was a great episode!