You will never hear complaints out of me when a Sawyer-centric episode happens, especially when he is both shirtless and partnered-in-fighting-crime with Miles. LOVE. While not much happened this week in terms of revelations (methinks there are some big answers coming next week in Richard’s episode), there were some aha moments and, as always, more questions.
So, by far, the best thing to happen in this episode actually had nothing to do with Sawyer at all. It was when Claire went full force on KateAttack and Sayzombie just sat there, completely indifferent. Clearly, dude is NOT okay. Also? Why did NotLocke tell Claire that it was inappropriate…seems like a strange, and probably significant, choices of words.
I also appreciated NotLocke’s deadpan and honest “I’m the smoke thing.” He is not trying to hide who he is…he killed everyone at the temple and totally does not feel bad about it. Kill or be killed, he says.
So, wose side is Widmore actually on? NotLocke’s? Jacob’s? What was his whole deal? He got kicked off the island, right? By Ben, yes?
So, this Zoe (aka NotTinaFey) person pulls a Henry Gale and Sawyer knows it right away, or at least when she started asking questions about how many guns Sawyer’s people had. Loved his, “TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER.” What’s behind the double padlocked doors? DESMOND? That’s wishful thinking, Brutha…but this season is missing a whole lot of Desmond.
OH MY GOD. The code word was “LaFleur” and that pretty much made my entire night.
Interesting. NotLocke tells Sawyer that he’s sending him over to Hydra Island because he’s the best liar he knows. And then Sawyer, for the rest of the episode, seems to be conning everyone with the truth.
PS. Have I mentioned that Sawyer is a cop?
I read somewhere, actually a long time ago, that people think that NotLocke/smoke monster is actually Aaron. Which, if you were paying attention when he spoke about having a crazy mother, adds some validity to this theory. Thoughts?
i love it when sawyer cleans up. question for you? didn’t seem like charlotte was snooping around in sawyer’s drawers? then she played all innocent and he fell for it – what do you think she was up to?
Um, you just did a post talking about Sawyer without a shirt and DIDN’T show a picture of Sawyer without a shirt!!! WAH!
(PS I gave up on this show a when they started time traveling or whatever, so this recap made absolutely no sense to me….except for picturing Sawyer without a shirt – that always makes sense)
Um, Smoke Monster totally = Aaron.
And did anyone else notice that Richard got to the island on the Black Rock–and probably in shackles??
Love all of it. ALL.