Candidates do what they want, it seems…Hurley and his “Why don’t YOU go back into the courtyard.” But this episode was filled with good Hurley quotes including comparing Jacob to Ob-Wan Kenobi, but my favorite one was “It’s bad enough you ordered me to write down way too much stuff, and I just lied to a samurai”

So, Claire is crazy. And she seems even crazier than her doppleganger Danielle Her lair is creepy and she keeps some strange skull(?) in the bassinet. Also, it seems that she was taken to the pit of despair temple and given the same test – and failed – as Sayid. Also, her father told her that the others had Aaron and then her friend told her. Interesting. And her friend is…not John, she says. So, she’s playing for the man-in-black’s team and has been for quite some time. oh, oh and when she said with that terrible hair and creepy smirk, “if there’s one thing that can kill you out here, it’s infection.” Nice…
THE LIGHTHOUSE. oh my god. This scene made the entire episode worth watching and had me on the edge of my seat. Hurley’s instructions are to move the dial to 108, which belongs to someone who we don’t know named Wallace and, interestingly, is the sum of the numbers…4 + 8+ 15+ 16 + 23 + 42. But Jack moves it to 23, his own number, where he sees the house he grew up in.
And then he has a temper tantrum and destroys the fancy mirrors. nice one, Jack. Unless this is exactly what Jacob wanted to happen…maybe Jacob wants to prevent said person from coming to Island…
So, obviously we go to the caves for a reason…I’m just not sure what it is. So Hurley can make some joke about those being THEIR bodies? To look at Christian’s destroyed coffin? To wonder where in the hell Christian’s body actually is? hmmmmm?
In LA world, Dogen shows up at Jack’s son’s audition (and, you know, Jack has a son) and Jack finds his dad’s will and it includes a certain Claire Littleton in it and Jack had his appendix out when he was a kid and not taken out by Juliet in season, what, 4? hmm. I’d be interested to know who David’s mother is…my bets are on Juliet.
Shannon’s inhalers. Well, they don’t give us anything big…but they do give us Shannon’s inhalers. You are awesome, producers.
and, wait, who is coming to the Island? DESMOND? Please, I need me some Desmond!