For over 5 years, my favourite television show was LOST. This was the only appointment viewing I made… even though we had a PVR, I would still make sure that I was sitting in front of the television when the show started Wednesday evenings.
I recently decided to start re-watching my LOST DVDs while I surf the internet in the evenings.
Much like you would see on the show itself, I have found myself falling into frequent flashbacks while re-watching episodes for the first time in years (except, my flashbacks don’t contain the creepy music, the smoke monster or actual movement through time).
Flashbacks to…
… the evenings spent watching in our apartment, the first one we lived in after we got married.
… the evenings spent watching in my in-laws’ basement, after my wife and I moved in to save up enough money to buy our first house.
… the evenings spent watching from the comfort of our own living room, in our own house.
… the evenings spent watching, without the worry of having the volume too loud for fear of waking up Pea.
There was a lot we used to be able to do more freely before Pea was born. Go to a movie or spend a (late) evening out with friend’s at a moment’s notice. Get drunk. Sleep through a whole night. Sleep in.
But, even though there’s a lot I miss about life when LOST was a main priority, I wouldn’t go back to that time for anything.
After all, life with Pea is far better than a lie-in on a Sunday morning.
Awe- agree! We used to have LOST viewing parties EVERY WEEK. I would never dream, of doing that now that we’ve had The Boy. It’s weird how life changes so dramatically, but I would never ever want to go back. In fact, I feel embarrassed that so much of my life revolved around me. Seems so ego-centric, no?