OMG…The timelines are blurring, brutha! The timelines are blurring! This, by far, has been my favorite LOST episode yet.

Desmond is the package. Which means the dude who has always been special (hatch explosion survivor extraordinare) now gets to be exposed to some electromagnetic radiation. FANCY. And BOOM…he’s back in the LA timeline seeing things. ISLAND THINGS. oh my god, he’s seeing island things!
So, it seems, according to Daniel Faraday (DANIEL!), that something – Jughead, probably – happened to rewrite the timeline to be this different universe (is that what Juliet meant when she said that “it worked”)…a one where things are different; where Jack is a doctor with a son and Sawyer is a cop and Miles is his partner-in-solving-crime and Desmond works for Widmore and doesn’t know Penny and Ben teaches high school and Locke is a substitute. Things are goodish for some. Not to good for some – Kate is a fugitive still, Sayid is a killer, Jin is almost dead and Sun is shot.
But these people, whether good or bad in this NEW life, have no idea about the OTHER ISLAND LIFE…except for Desmond. He is the key; the package. He can show people. He can get the passenger list and SHOW THEM. It almost seems like Desmond – the one who can jump between both worlds – has the same job in both – to tell THE PEOPLE what’s going on. Is that why he went so willingly with Sayid? Because he wants to go to all the people and tell them what he knows?
Widmore tells Desmond that he has to make a sacrifice. Any guesses?
Desmond meets Penny at the same stadium that he met Jack. And “You All Everybody” comes on the radio when Desmond and Charlie are in the car. GOD, I love this show.
It’s Minkowski!
Eloise tells Desmond to stop searching for Penny because he’s not ready and WHATEVER HAPPENED, HAPPENED. Why? What’s her role here?
Oh god, where to begin? Love your synopsis. Much more concise than Doc Jensen’s over at (Dude took 11 PAGES on this epi!!).
I love Desmond. I thought (& pretty much feel it is confirmed) that he is the true centre of the show (crazy considering he wasn’t even introduced ’til the 2nd season). Every episode about Desmond is an instant classic. My two fav LOST episodes are now Happily Ever After & The Constant (the tearful phone call between Penny & Desmond).
This is the thing, I just don’t like the direction this is going. Namely, I think you guys are being too nice on the whole “Desmond loses Penny” thing. I’m thinking it’s more like a “Desmond loses his life” thing. I hope I’m wrong.
Also, I just don’t think that all is right with sideways-world. It seems to be unraveling a little bit. See Eloise’s “This is a violation” remark. I don’t like the theory that it is where people’s souls are downloaded (uploaded??) to when they die on the island (i.e. island is some form of purgatory). And I really do think that the two need to be reconciled. In other words (my lame Harry Potter rip-off) “one cannot live while the other exists.” My vote is for Island world. If it isn’t, then what have we just invested 5+ years in watching?
Thanks again for the recap.
I know…there’s just not enough time to answer all the questions I still have!!
Yes, LOVED this episode. Loved how for once we could kind of figure out what was going to happen just as/just before it was happening. OMG – Charlie and Desmond underwater – it must be Charlie’s destiny to drown (NOT PENNY’S BOAT – awesome. it was a major plot item the 1st time we saw it and seems to be again as it was pivotal in connecting LA time & Island time in Desmond’s brain). But what’s up with Charlie’s mysterious wisdom? Daniel is Widmore’s son? Perfect. I am still desperate to know what Eloise & Charles know. I’m afraid Desmond will need to give up Penny. Can’t see another way around it …
The countdown is on and I still can’t see how it will all wrap up.
I totally LOVED this episode. Everything about it was awesome. Even though island time didn’t have huge air time a lot of answers came in the alt time.
I think Whidmore means Des has to sacrifice being apart from Penny and baby Charlie for now in island time because he is needed on the island to correct what is going on. At least I hope that is the only sacrifice he has to make.
OK, you know what? I can’t! actually read this, because I’m not caught up with this season yet (I’m at the beginning of Season 5), but I just had to comment to say: I LOVE DESMOND. From the second they introduced him to the show I was hooked on his accent and his wavy hair and is unwavering devotion to Penny (who plays Joseph Fiennes’ wife now in the new ABC series Flash Forward, and side-note: is she the luckiest person on the planet for getting to kiss two of the world’s most attractive men? YES), and yeah, OK, I’ll stop now before this turns into a five paragraph essay wherein I repeatedly abuse caps lock while pledging my love to Mr. Hume.
I am actually REALLY worried about this.
That his sacrifice somehow will tear him away from them forever.
All I hope is that Desmond’s sacrifice doesn’t have to do with him losing Penny and baby Charlie. The man has suffered enough! Please Lost, we love Desmond and Penny! We want them to be together!