What is this, like, the 6th ridiculously solid episode of this show? I can’t take it anymore, LOST is so good. I still have about a bazillion questions, especially about THE numbers, and where in the sam hell are Rose and Bernard, but I am probably going to have to live with the fact that LOST is just not going to answer all the questions. There’s just no way. There’s not enough time; they need a 7th season.

Wow. A straight up answer on this show, who would have thought. The whispers are the people, like Michael, who are stuck on the island. Are you buying it? It’s not like LOST to tell us anything this straightforward; it’s almost too good to be true. But seeing Michael was such a treat…and I love that Hurley called him one of the dead people who comes back to yell at him.
Thank you LOST for killing Ilana. I really have not enjoyed her and was kind of hoping she’d go the way of the Ana Lucia, but watching her blow up? She was ARZTed! LOVE! Now if they could just kill Sayid, I would be a happy camper…
Okay, so, NotLocke throws Desmond down the well; island…and THEN, Desmond throws his car into John Locke; LA. What are your thoughts? Do you think Desmond was doing this to force some memories into Locke, kinda the same way Charlie did it for him? Or do you think that Desmond was getting revenge on Locke for throwing him down the well? I am thinking revenge…only from the look on Desmond’s face. And because Desmond didn’t get out of the car to go and talk to him to see if he’d SEEN IT.
LIBBY! Oh god. I love Libby.
The NotLocke and Jack stare down was amazing. “Hello, Jack.” Also, loving Jack this season…listening to Hurley and his bag of Jacob ashes, when usually no one takes him seriously? BOLD MOVE, Jacko. BUT still no Sun and Jin reunion…they were SO DAMN CLOSE.
And who is this kid we keep seeing? Jacob? And are there certain people who can see him and certain people who can’t? NotLocke certainly was ornery when Desmond was asking about him…or maybe he is Charlie, Desmond’s son…or maybe he is Aaron…or maybe they are all the same person…
I was hoping for some insight on THE numbers this week, since it was a Hurley episode. I get that those numbers each correspond to the remaining candidates. But those numbers have been around for a LONG time. So, if presumably, Jacob and NotLocke knew that those numbers belonged to certain losties…why the need to assume that everyone is a candidate and cross each one off one at a time? What I mean is…Kate’s number is, what, 51? So, since she wasn’t one of THE numbers, they knew she wasn’t a possible candidate…why did she have to come to the island? Shouldn’t it just have been those 6? 4: Locke, 8: Hurley, 15: Sawyer, 16: Sayid, 23: Jack, 42: Sun/Jin…no?
I’m pretty sure they’ve told us all they are going to about the numbers. I was very excited to find out what all the whispering meant. And Libby! Oh I was so happy to see some Libby. I just really love me some Hugo.
And even though I also want to see some Rose and Bernard, I fear we won’t get to. Or maybe a smidge of them in the finale. It’s like they expect us to believe they are happy on their own little camp staying away from the drama.
I love how Desmond and Daniel probably got together and concocted a way for Des to play some kind of memory jogger using the flight manifest. That’s what I’m assuming went on.
I think maybe Des ran over John to either hook him up with Jack or to be all, screw you mofo for throwing my sexy ass down a well.
Now if we could just hook Claire up with a hair brush….
I just have to say that I am LOVING the Desmond-heavy episodes. *swoon*
The kid is young Jacob, based on the fact that he’s credited that way in the upcoming Jacob/Smokie centric episode that starts in 23 AD or something. Supposedly, it’ll give us their history, how they came to be on the island, etc.
As for the numbers question, everything we learned about them has come from either Smokie (the cave wall) or our own inferences (seeing the lighthouse). What if the list of numbers wasn’t just candidates (as Smokie suggested), but people of interest, those who Jacob “brought” to the island to prove his point to Smokie? It could stand to reason that Jacob needed to see them with his magic viewfinder to be able to summon them, and once he got them there he crossed them off the compass (since once they are on-island he doesn’t need to find them anymore).
the numbers thing is REALLY frustrating me. And I know we aren’t going to get an answer because there are so many other things to reveal. Poo.
Your question about the numbers is a good one. And I never thought about it until you brought it up, so thanks for making me even MORE confused now!