Is there anyone better than Benjamin Linus? I mean, seriously? He is, by far, the very best and more frightening character to ever be on the small screen.
So. LA Ben. Let’s talk about that. Dr. Linus talks about Napoleon and Elba and how his exile was a fate worse than death because, you know, Napoleon now had to live his life where he no longer had any power. Ring a bell, anyone?? And substitute teacher John Locke says,”Just sounds like you care about this place, and if the man in charge doesn’t, maybe it’s time for a change.” Interesting. Isn’t it? And Ben ultimately chose to help Alex fulfill her dreams instead of his own. Island Ben would have chosen things a little differently, no?
OH. But wait. Ben’s dad starts talking about the DHARMA INITIATIVE OMG, meaning that even in the LA timeline, Ben and Roger had, at some point, been on the island. Holy-freaking-crap.
So, back on the island, it seems like now we have confirmation that when NotLocke said to a now-suicidal Richard Alpert, “It’s nice to see you out of those chains” that Alpert had maybe, possibly been a prisoner on The Black Rock. And Now Richard is tired of not knowing what’s going on and tired of Jacob being full of crap.
HA! Miles knows about Nikki and Paolo and the diamonds!
JACK! Oh my god. He FINALLY realizes how important he is. And Jack, for the very first time ever…had faith that Richard’s dynamite will not kill him. And right he was. Jack Shepherd, FTW! And, you are hearing it here first. Jack is the new Jacob. And Locke is the new man in black. Man of science and man of faith now become the man of faith and the man of science. woo!
So, after Benjamin considers running off with NotLocke to the Hydra station to join the baddies because he says that no one will have him, Ilana tells him she will and he goes off with her. Interesting. She must be hiding some of her own skeletons, no?
So, according to Richard, everyone touched by Jacob gets a gift…Are we going to find out what the gifts are? Is everyone’s the same…that they are immortal, can’t kill themselves, but someone else can? Remember when Michael was trying to kill himself and couldn’t?
two words: Wid.More.
I thought the whole scene bw Ben and Ilana in the jungle was incredibly powerful. I love Ben episodes, and this one lived up. Only 9 more episodes – sad and exciting.
Ali, I LOVED this episode! Ben is just such a complex character, & to see him grappling with the same life-choices on the island & in sideways world (btw, I’d love to hear your theory on sideways world) was so rewarding. All I kept thinking was “Is it possible that Ben truly was working for the “good guys” all this time?!?”
Loved Jack. Loved Miles. Loved Hurley. Loved Ilana (finally her reason for being on the island is being explained). Loved bat-s**t crazy Claire. Missing Sawyer though.
The show has definitely gone all doom & gloom, but I’m hoping we’ll see glimmers of hope over the next few weeks! Honestly, is it Tuesday yet!?!