I have heard such split reactions to this latest episode of LOST. I mean, a ridiculous amount of questions were answered…Adam and Eve!
Where the stones came from! Latin! Where the frozen wheel came from! The animosity between Jacob and NotLocke. BUT, on the other hand, with so few hours left in the series, maybe some people were looking for different answers, more closure on the characters we have grown to love over the last few years. Some people think it was a waste of one of the few precious hours we have left. Also, the whole episode brings up a huge pile of NEW questions.
Personally, I liked the episode, mostly. I think finding out about THE BEGINNING helps to understand a lot of what’s going on in the present. But, I do think it didn’t need an entire episode to tell us all of this. And I think there are still so many holes in this introduction of THE MOM. I mean, yes, she’s protecting the big shiny cave. But what is the cave? Is it good? Is it bad? Is she just crazy in thinking that people are bad…or are her motives justified? And what did the wine do? How did it make them “the same?” Is the mom a smoke monster too? Has she been down that same magical fancy hole that NotLocke went down? Why did she thank her son for killing her? Did she WANT to die?
Jacob and NotLocke were “raised by another.” Interesting.
So, something interesting we learn is that NotLocke is clearly the bad guy, he wasn’t always the bad guy. He is much more of a complicated creature. And Jacob is not entirely the good guy either. Also, NotLocke is actually the special one (talks to ghosts etc) so did something get entirely effed up because the wrong person protected the island?
But, most importantly, we now know WHY he wants off the island…because his “mother” lied to him about his real mother and about the fact that there’s life OFF THE ISLAND.
But, so, why can’t NotLocke leave the island? Also? Why are these younger versions of Jacob and the-son-who-still-doesn’t-have-a-name (“I only chose one name”) showing up now and revealing themselves to random Losties?
Allison Janney as the mom was certainly right when she said, “Every question I answer will simply lead to another question.”
And speaking of questions…here are some I still need answered: Why do pregnant women die? Walt…what the hell is up with Walt? Who built the statue? Where are Rose and Bernard? WHO THE HELL ARE THE OTHERS? Why does the island heal people? What are the rules for keeping NotLocke out of places? There’s something with the water…and sonar-ish fences and tall things…what is up? What is the sickness…and was Danielle’s sickness different than Sayid’s? What are Widmore’s connections with Ben and NotLocke and what the hell does he want?
I didn’t really care for this episode. I mean, yes, it was good and I liked the back story of the island and Jacob and Man in Black. But yeah, I don’t need NEW characters when there is just 3 hours left of the show. This would have been good within in an episode where we also got some answers about the other LOADS of questions with the regular Losties.
But I still am hopeful that the writers have a PLAN and the plan will be GOOD and answer all our questions.
Because seriously, one of my big ones “who shot at the Losties on the boat when they were time travelling?” I shouldn’t care, BUT I DO!
I didn’t MIND it but it was definitely a bizarre departure for me. I can see where a lot of fans might get geeched out by the heavy religious tone.
This was the only episode I’ve watched in it’s entirety.
It was pretty good…
But all your questions at the end of this post made my brain fart.
That’s why I never got into this show. Sean was looking for your post. I’ll let him know it’s up!