*Ab Aeterno is Latin for “since the beginning” or “from eternity”…depending on who you ask or where you are googling. heh.

Answers! We know how the statue was broken! We know how the Black Rock got to the Island! We learn why Richard doesn’t age! We learned that Richard was, indeed, working for Jacob directly! and we learned that yes, Richard did come to the island as a prisoner. Also…interesting to hear the Man in Black say, “it’s nice to see you out of those chains”
So, the island is the cork. And Jacob brings people to island, I guess, to prove to the man in black/smoke monster/NotLocke that man in inherently good and not evil. But, by giving them complete free will, as Richard – erm, Ricardo – points out only gives the Man in Black the chance to intervene. AHA! says Jacob and appoints Richard as his liaison between him and the people. And gives him the gift of NEVER DYING just go Richard won’t have to die and go to tell. Interesting.
If Jacob brings people to the island, did Jacob bring the DHARMA initiative too?
Why didn’t the black smoke kill Ricardo too? Why was he spared?
Why can’t the Man in Black leave the island? What are the rules?
I was interesting that the rules for killing Jacob and the rules for killing the Man in Black are the same. Stab before he starts talking. And yet, Jacob spoke to Ben and Ben was still able to kill him. Hrm.
So, Ilana’s job is to protect the candidates….she sure is doing a kick ass job, isn’t she? one of them is dead (Locke), some of them are with Team NotLocke (Sawyer), some of them are accidentally with NotLocke (Kate and Jin), some are infected (Sayid). Great protector, eh?
I love it when the writers dick around with fan theories (THEY ARE ALL DEAD AND IN HELL OHMIGOD) and then shoot them right down. (THEY ARE ALIVE AND NOT IN HELL)
In a scene straight out of Ghost meets The Sixth Sense, Hurley acts as interpretor between Ricardo and his love Isabella. It’s both a sweet and awesome scene…because now we know that Richard isn’t going to run to NotLocke, because Isabella tells him he can let go and that he has to stop the man in black…because otherwise, HELL…and we know how Richard feels about hell.
That would have been such a good episode if I hadn’t been distracted by Ricardo’s Cuban accent and the fact that Isabella is Isabel in Spanish. Isabel.
The Man in Black cannot leave the island until the villains lose an elimination challenge and he gets voted off by a group of his peers. Or until the tribes merge and a majority of Heroes & Villains votes him off.