Such a hot debate lately! Have you thought about this? Should I buy organic, or should I buy local? How about this, do both! There is a wonderful service provided by many local organic farms, called Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Basically, you pay the farmer in advance for food you are going to receive later. It is a win win for everyone, the farmer gets money to pay for seeds etc and you get some amazing organic food delivered right to your door! I use to worry that should there be a bumper crop of rutabagas one year that is all I would get but that was not the case at all, you receive a wonderful variety of fruits and vegetables fresh from the farmers field, they are literally dripping with vitamins and minerals! If you are interested, in finding out more there is an info session coming up in Toronto this Wednesday or you can go to
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and rural economies
Wednesday, May 14
6:30 – 8:00 pmPresenters: Rachel Climenhaga and Carolyn Bailey, BeetStreet CSA, and Phil Anderson, COG member and farmer in Stouffville
Pape Public Library, 701 Pape Ave (Danforth and Pape)
Cost: COG members free; non-members $5
Have you ever thought of joining a CSA and buying directly from a farmer? Now is the time! Come and hear farmers speak about CSA’s and how they function. Learn how consumers can connect directly with farmers through CSA’s, and help keep agriculture alive and well in our rural communities.
Hi Jen! Glad I could help!
I am definitely going to check this out, Christine. I had no idea this even existed!
We used to have one local to Calgary that was a co-op…you got to go up to the farm for a certain number of Saturdays and actually work for your share of the crop! It doesn’t seem to be operating anymore, though.
Another great idea is organic delivery. These services make a practice of buying locally, and they will deliver a basket full of amazing fruits & veggies to your home each week. The price is great and the food is even better.